Friday, November 9, 2007

HUD's Attack on Christmas

How do we know when Christmas is coming? Snow? Store shelves filled with decorations? Holiday Sales? NOPE - it is the annual attack on Christmas from Korrectniks.

One of the first salvos against Christmas this year is from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and their attack on an 85 yr old Grandmother.

HUD officials are banning ANY Christmas decorations that contain references to Jesus and/or religion from being placed or displayed in any HUD housing complexes.

From WND --
The issue arose at the Plant City Living Center in Plant City, Fla., where 85-year-old Mrs. Arnold was told that federal law now prohibits her from displaying anything that references religion – words, decorations and the like – in the common area of her apartment building, a HUD facility.

According to the center, HUD has issued a directive banning "any religious symbols or religious words associated with Christmas," which effectively prevents Mrs. Arnold from placing a small Christmas tree outside her door if it contains any religious symbols or words – "even an angel," AFA said in a special alert asking for e-mails.

"If the residents want to have a Christmas party in their community room, they cannot call it a Christmas party. The Center says HUD directs residents not to use the word 'Christmas' but to use the word 'holiday,'" the AFA advisory said. More.....

My first reaction is Bullshit! Also disturbing is - I did not see where anybody complained about the Angel on top of the tree; so what or who the hell is it hurting?

In an interview the 85 yr old Mrs. Andrews says this makes her think Nazi like restrictions in Germany during WWII. The American Family Association has set up a link which allows people to send emails to HUD and President Bush to express their outrage.


  1. I posted a comment yesterday ... and it was removed. Why? Scared to admit that you continue to promote a myth? THE STORY ABOVE IS FALSE. Do a little homework and you'll discover the American Family Association has removed this alert from its own website because they tpp realized they were mongering in untruths. So...why don't you?

  2. Thanks for posting. I read your comment in my email and do not know why it did not post on here. I will copy and paste it in here though - as I do NOT censor ANY remarks on here.

    That being said, I went to AFA site and found this statement --

    AFA has been in contact with HUD officials and Steve Edelstein, attorney for Plant City Living Center. The policy banning religious symbols is being rescinded and a new policy allowing religious symbols is in effect immediately. Mr. Edelstein is preparing a statement which will be posted here as soon as we recieve it.

    The directive memo from HUD - - appears pretty clear to me. Unless this dowument is a fraud.

    If you have other information showing AFA is lying please forward it to me. If what you are saying is true - then AFA needs to be exposed for the frauds that they are!

    There are enough attacks on Christmas and Christianity as there is... we don't need some right wing nut job ass-hats "creating" more.

    Thank you again and I will be posting your other comment below.


  3. The below post was left yesterday by the above anonymous poster....

    Congratulations. You have successfully fallen into the annual holiday trap of reporting an urban myth. This story is approximately two years old as was as false then as it is now. Feel free to call the Plant City Living Center in Plant City, Florida and ask them if it's true that a federal agency demanded an 85-year-old grandmother take a star off her Christmas tree. Good lord! Use an ounce of common sense instead of being spoon fed this load of crap.


Don't be scared!