Saturday, May 10, 2008

God Dann it! Guess who might become a Republican?

This is just great!

I bet his friend RINO Snakenberg and his merry band of RPCC "Social Club" misfits will be waiting with open arms and check books...

H/T to NaugBlog, WoMD, & DaytonOS.

From DaytonOS --
The resolution passed by the Executive Committee stated:
Dann is “no longer recognized as an endorsed Democratic Statewide officeholder” Dann will “no longer be considered an ex-officio member of the Ohio Democratic Party Executive Committee and thus no longer entitled to the full rights and privileges of such membership” Dann is "removed as an ex-officio delegate to the 2008 Democratic Party State Convention”
The resolution concluded by calling for Dann’s immediate resignation as Attorney General of the State of Ohio...

After running to Slick Willie's rescue after his escapade with a baby walrus, the Ohio Dummycrats have thrown in the towel on Marc Dann - our a**-grabbing AG for doing the same thing. Talk about double size - double standards!

Sort of ironic that Marc "No longer a Democrat" Dann would make fun of Jesus being crucified on Good Friday - a Holy Day for Christians, and he being Jewish - gets crucified by his own, the Democrats, on Saturday - a Holy Day for the Jewish faith.

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