Monday, February 5, 2007

Send Vu Packing - I got the boxes!

The Plain Dealer reported today ;

The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, which meets today, is likely to part ways soon with Director Michael Vu and Deputy Director Gwen Dillingham.

Board members met with Cuyahoga County commissioners last week in a closed-door session to discuss options and severance packages, probably amounting to a month's salary.

With Election Day mistakes, trouble integrating new technology and a criminal case against elections workers for failing to follow proper protocol in a recount, the agency has slipped into trouble and its leaders are on the chopping block.

The board's Republican members, Ohio GOP Chairman Bob Bennett and Sally Florkiewicz, attempted to find a way to keep Dillingham, a Republican who just became president of the Ohio Association of Elections Officials, employed, though demoted.

Commissioners don't like it. "They both need to go," said Commissioner Jimmy Dimora. "It's time for a change."

Said Bennett: "Gwen staying around as elections coordinator might be helpful, but the Dems won't support that."

I wish Bob Bennet would stop playing politics. Both Vu & Dillingham need to go! They have made a national laughing stock of our county.

The leadership & effectiveness at the county board of elections, under Vu & Dillingham, has been poor at best. That Bob B & Sally F have not voted to fire them before is sort of mind boggling.

Severance package? They should be lucky if they get paid for cleaning out their offices!

Is sort of funny though, Scene Magazine just does a great write up about Jimmy Dimora playing politics with jobs and instead of using it against him, we give him ammo to use against us republicans. Smart Thinking!

You guys wonder why Jimmy is always all smiles and laughs - He LOVES that you guys are so easy for him!

Note to Mr. Bennett - When you are training your replacement, leave this one out of the lesson plan!

1 comment:

  1. A week ago this was reported online:

    OHIO 2004: 6.15% Kerry-Bush vote-switch found in probability study

    Defining the vote outcome probabilities of wrong-precinct voting has revealed, in a sample of 166,953 votes (1/34th of the Ohio vote), the Kerry-Bush margin changes 6.15% when the population is sorted by probable outcomes of wrong-precinct voting.

    The Kerry to Bush 6.15% vote-switch differential is seen when the large sample is sorted by probability a Kerry wrong-precinct vote counts for Bush. When the same large voter sample is sorted by the probability Kerry votes count for third-party candidates, Kerry votes are instead equal in both subsets.

    Read the revised article with graphs of new findings:

    The 2004 Ohio Presidential Election: Cuyahoga County Analysis
    How Kerry Votes Were Switched to Bush Votes


Don't be scared!