'Peace House' - "The House That Cindy Built" - is falling apart!
Looks like the real motive for the anti-war peace movement, 'Peace House', is finally starting to come out.The 'Peace House' that 'American Traitor', Cindy Sheehan, helped build and finance was more to line the pockets of some sleazy, liberal, oportunistic, peace-niks than to lend shelter and food to those "protesting the war in support of our troops" at Bush's Texas ranch.
Being used as the "TOOL" that she is, Sheehan's traitorous efforts have brought endless donations to this haven for highway robbery. World Net Daily reports -
The Crawford Peace House, a home started by anti-war activists in the wake of "Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan's demonstrations outside President George Bush's Texas ranch, has been accused of mismanaging tens of thousands of dollars in donations by an insurgent member who has seized legal control of the group's name and is calling for a state investigation. Sara L. Oliver, who left the group in 2005 ...... and other disaffected members have gone public with their suspicions and accusations against the Peace House .....into why the group only has $14,700 in its bank account. Tens of thousands in donations, collected during Sheehan's 2005 anti-war protest at the Crawford site, are unaccounted for, Oliver claims. "There are people who have said, 'Don't say anything because you'll hurt the peace movement,'" Oliver told Associated Press. Another ex-member, Sandra Row, said she had seen buckets of cash donations in the Peace House in 2005. ........but many of those who bought supplies for the demonstrators were never compensated. As many as 75 people have quit the group because of grievances over financial matters. "You'll never know how much money there is because the cash is gone," Row said. More....
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