Wednesday, February 28, 2007
NEA - Education Nazis
The premise is a discussion on todays public education and touches on the overpaid non-productive schools, teachers, administrators and Nazi like NEA --
Setting: Socrates' Academy, Washington, D.C., 2007
Socrates: We are gathered here today at my Academy to discuss one very important question. Should a public school education be free?
NEA: {indignant} Of course public school education should be free. If it wasn't then the poor wouldn't get educated and would remain poor all their lives, generation after generation, which would lead to more crime and anarchy in society.
Socrates: Well, then why do you have such faith in what the poor can or cannot do? Perhaps it is because you and other so-called teacher's union members built your careers on exploiting poor inner-city children in the ghetto?
Socrates: Is it true, NEA, that over 70 percent of the public school teachers send their children to private schools and refuse to send them even to the public schools at which they teach?
NEA: {hesitant, contrite} Yes, that is correct, Master.
Socrates: Indeed, yet you feel qualified to construct this massive, multibillion-dollar bureaucracy called the Department of Education funded annually by craven politicians on both sides of the isle. Didn't public schools and quality education exist before this department was created by President Carter in 1979?
NEA: Yes, but we really need a Department of Education. It was created to make sure that all of America's kids have access to a free education, especially the poor, the underclass and the disenfranchised, but also to standardize teaching and testing procedures.
Socrates: Indeed, but aren't "access" and "mandatory" two different concepts? Which one should everyone have – access to a free education? And should this free education be mandatory? Who benefits from this egalitarian scheme? Only the NEA Nazis, the education bureaucrats, yet the people still foolishly fund the Department of Education and no political leader has the courage to tear down this temple erected to a pagan and false god called "free education."
Socrates: I restate my original question: Should public school be free? In light of the evidence presented at this dialogue, the logical conclusion, the rational conclusion, the just conclusion based upon equality under the law and human nature is that a public school should not be free...
This new educational system based completely on merit will weed out the lazy, the ignorant, the disinterested, the violent, the unqualified, the moron, and leave only those students who are truly interested in learning.
Like Hitler's Brownshirts, your NEA union members (teachers) are your foot soldiers in their 100-plus year assault on education under the guise of educating kids. They are what Lenin called "useful idiots." They are the willing accomplices in your grand scheme not to educate, but to control and dominate the entire bureaucracy of education.
This is why you, along with the ACLU and other radical socialist groups, had to remove God from the public schools, for America's Judeo-Christian traditions would have exposed your nefarious, anti-education schemes – until now.
27 Feb 2007

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran is training Iraqi Shi'ites to use armor-piercing munitions inside Iran and at camps in Lebanon run by the Shi'ite militant group Hezbollah, the top U.S. intelligence official said on Tuesday.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Iraqi Forces dismantle illegal militias

Feb. 27, 2007
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON – Special Iraqi army forces detained 16 suspected militiamen during operations today with coalition advisors in Sadr City, and insurgents killed 15 Iraqis and wounded nine in a car-bomb attack in Ramadi yesterday.
The operations in Sadr City were targeting the leadership of several rogue militia cells operating against Iraqi civilians, officials said.
Iraqi forces targeted several individuals who allegedly control multiple illegal militia cells and direct and perpetrate sectarian murder, torture and kidnapping, officials said. The wanted individuals are reported to operate out of Sadr City and are linked to attacks on coalition forces and the supply of weapons and munitions that support continued violence.
Iraqi forces entered several secondary objectives during the operations, but caused only minimal damage, officials said.
In Ramadi, insurgents killed 15 Iraqis, including women, children and two police officers in a car-bomb attack near a mosque in a residential neighborhood yesterday. The attack, which also wounded nine people, occurred at about 6 p.m.
"I am mortified at the absolute lack of regard for the lives of the Iraqi people which has been displayed by al Qaeda in Iraq," said Col. John Charlton, commander of the 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division. "The murder of any Iraqi citizen is tragic, but to intentionally kill innocent children is proof positive that now more than ever, Iraqi citizens need to stand together with us in support of their local Iraqi security forces to stamp out this terrorist threat."
Iraqi Civilians helping U.S. troops AGAIN

February 26, 2007
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON – Coalition forces detained 15 suspected terrorists, including a suspected al Qaeda in Iraq emir, in raids throughout Iraq today; Iraqi forces found a large weapons cache Feb. 24; and Iraqi and coalition forces announced the casualty toll from yesterday's car-bomb attack in Habbaniyah, military officials reported.
During an operation in Baghdad, coalition forces captured a suspected al Qaeda in Iraq emir and one of his associates.
Three suspected foreign terrorist facilitators were captured in operations northeast of Samarra, and eight more were captured in a foreign fighter safe house west of Mahmudiyah.
In downtown Ramadi, coalition forces captured two suspects in a foreign fighter safe house. Intelligence reports indicated members of the cell were planning suicide operations against coalition or Iraqi forces.
"Coalition forces are making progress dismantling the foreign fighter and al Qaeda terrorist networks inside Iraq," said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, a Multinational Force Iraq spokesman. "These operations send a message to terrorists that they will be caught and prosecuted for their crimes under the Iraqi justice system."
In Baqubah, information provided by a concerned citizen led Iraqi police officers from Judidah and coalition forces from the 1-12 Combined Arms Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, to a large improvised explosive device cache Feb. 24.
The cache consisted of two explosively formed projectiles, a completed improvised mine, more than two dozen mortar rounds and 15 rockets, six rocket launchers, five anti-aircraft rounds, more than two dozen RPG warheads, more than 400 plastic and steel containers in various stages of fabrication for IED construction, and large quantities of IED-making material.
"The vigilance of the Iraqi police and the willingness of the people of Diyala to end the cycle of violence led to this discovery," said Col. David W. Sutherland, 3-1 Cav. commander and senior U.S. Army officer in the Diyala province.
A coalition forces explosive ordnance disposal unit safely disposed of some of the munitions with the majority of the cache being transferred to Forward Operating Base Warhorse.
Real Clear Politics - '08 Electon News
'08 News and More
Presidential candidates were mostly outside of the early primary states today, but they and their campaigns still made news - not all of it good.
The Boston Globe obtained a document explaining "Romney will define himself in part by focusing on and highlighting enemies and adversaries, such common political targets as 'jihadism,' the 'Washington establishment,' and taxes, but also Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, 'European-style socialism,' and, specifically, France." The campaign also anticipates a challenge on this front from Newt Gingrich, even though the former speaker and conservative icon has not yet announced his candidacy.
Elsewhere on the trail, Rep. Duncan Hunter's PAC may have broken campaign finance laws by using its money to advertise for him in New Hampshire. Down in South Carolina, Sen. Sam Brownback is calling on as many Republicans as he can before an upcoming straw poll.
Meanwhile, on the Democratic side Illinois Sen. Barack Obama continued his tour of the Ohio River Valley yesterday by rallying 2,000 supporters in Cleveland. At home, Obama manages a complicated relationship with Chicago politicians, including Mayor Richard Daley, who faces reelection today. Sen. Hillary Clinton, not to be outshone by Al Gore's climate change popularity, called on the government to spend $50 billion on energy independence.
Outside of the presidential race, RNC Chair Sen. Mel Martinez said he's trying to build a consensus of Republicans around immigration reform, including his proposed "earned citizenship" plan that would require English proficiency, citizenship tests and fines or back taxes. The proposal is supported by the Bush administration and most Democrats.
In Washington, President Bush and governors traded pleas on their health care plans while five Western states did an end-run around Congress and the administration and signed an agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
You can find those stories and more at RCP's Politics and Elections page.
26 February 2007
By Spc. Alexis Harrison
2nd BCT, 1st Cav. Div. Public Affairs
BAGHDAD – The Al Doura District was considered by many to be one of the most dangerous places in all of Iraq. Sectarian violence had taken over the streets, and the people of the community fled to find safety, until, Multi-National Division – Baghdad and Iraqi security forces began to focus efforts in the district to stop the bloodshed.
Troops from 1st Battalion, 14th Cavalry Regiment, also known as Task Force 1-14th Cavalry, attached to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, and community leaders came together to celebrate the grand reopening of the marketplace Feb. 18.
For the Soldiers and the community, it was a clear message of the ongoing improvements being made in the area by coalition forces and community leaders.
"I'd like to thank coalition forces and the local counsel in Al Hadher in their efforts to reopen this market," said District Advisory Counsel Chairman, Sabeeh Radhi Al Ka'abi. "The improvement of the security will help to rebuild Baghdad and bring more opportunities to the people counting on the coalition.
"The market manager, Abu Haider, said this is an undeniable improvement from the way things used to be for his neighborhood and the market.
"The market had been empty because the security in the area was very poor and civilians were being targeted by terrorists," Haider said. "Recently, coalition forces raided the area many times to help chase the terrorists away. Now that the market has reopened, people can start to return to their normal routines."
A man selling fruit in the market, who wished not to be named, said he and his family are grateful for what's being done for his neighborhood, and he hopes to see improvements continue.
"A few months ago, no one could come to the market because terrorists were running the city as they wanted. Now, everything has changed,” he said. “The Iraqi security force and coalition forces are everywhere. People can come and go to the market as they please. We hope the ISF and coalition can keep the security they have now and improve even more of the city. The relation between the people and the ISF is good."
Capt. Eric Fedak from Company B, 414th Civil Affairs Battalion attached to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, said bringing the Iraqi national police into the project was just as important as the market revitalization itself.
"We've been trying to re-introduce the national police into the area," said the Ashville, N.C., native. “With events like this, hopefully, the people will be able to rely a lot more on the national police.
"Along with the upgraded security and the promise of hope came a new power generator for the neighborhood. Fedak said that there are plans for another generator to be dropped off along with upgrades to the road barriers.
Reposted from United States CENTCOM Multi-National Force Newsletter
Monday, February 26, 2007
Al-Doura residents welcome Soldiers, security
While some politicians scream our soldiers are wasting their time in Iraq, I wonder if the children in the secure areas think they are?

BAGHDAD — “Face time.” It seems to be a term used more by celebrities than Soldiers, but as Iraqi Army and Police go on patrols with Coalition forces, “face time” is something one unit is saying is very important to their mission of capturing the bad guys.
On what’s become a normal patrol mission in Baghdad’s northwest Al-Doura neighborhood, Company C, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division Soldiers are using the results of their “face time” to help catch the enemy.
“Our presence is very important,” said Staff Sgt. Juan A. Lopez, a Bronx, N.Y. native. “The [locals] will talk to us and tell us where the caches and insurgents are, they will tell us about new people who have moved into their neighborhood threatening them.
“It’s a positive we are here everyday. That way, little by little, we can make a difference.”
On a patrol of one neighborhood in the Humvees, children were peeking out of their gates and waiving to the Soldiers through their bulletproof glass. “Wave at them, man,” Lopez told one of his Soldiers in the vehicle. “They might remember you later and say, ‘hey, I waived at that Soldier when I was a little kid.’”
Lopez, who, back in the Bronx, has a Yemeni friend who taught him some Arabic phrases, uses it to reach out to the community. When he and his Soldiers walk around the market, they are swarmed by young children. Lopez uses his limited Arabic to joke with the children.
In one of the “muhallas,” or neighborhoods, there is a thriving marketplace within what used to be a traffic circle. The locals go there to buy fresh fish, produce, clothes, shoes and other items. As recent as a month ago, insurgent activity forced a lot of them to stay away from the market. Lopez and his unit had seen some fierce fighting there. During the battle, the Coalition forces repelled the insurgents from the neighborhood.
In a way, the locals have, in casual meetings with the Coalition forces, learned to embrace them. During their cordon and search missions, the Soldiers commonly refer to the meetings as “block parties.” It’s not uncommon for the locals to ask Soldiers and Iraqi National Police officers to come in and have some tea.
According to Lopez, his unit has captured a lot of suspects which is a direct result of their presence patrols and the bonds they make during them.
“One day, a lady told us to take someone because he was a cell leader,” he recalled. “It wouldn’t be like that if we weren’t out here. We found a lot of guys and caches because of all the tips [from the locals].”
During a recent block party, Lopez and his team searched a house owned by a married couple with a small child. When asked how they felt about being searched, the husband said he didn’t mind it because it made their community safer to have Soldiers around.
Another important relationship they have fostered is the one they have with the Iraqi National Police.
“We can’t do everything, so that’s why we work with the NPs (National Police),” he said. “And now that the Iraqi Army is here, the [insurgents] are pulling out. It makes a difference, and that’s what they want. “
Reposted from United States CENTCOM Multi-National Force Newsletter
Vietnam helicopter pilot awarded Medal of Honor
While there are many reasons this is a very special honor, more incredible is that he will be one of the few that were not awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously.

The Battle of the Ia Drang Valley was a first in many ways for the Vietnam War and in how our Army operates today. The Army, looking for a way to become faster and more agile on the battlefield started up the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry, once again.
This was the same unit being led by George Armstrong Custer at the Little Bighorn, now to be run by Lt. Col. Hal Moore.
Now the horses would be helicopters to transport men, weapons and supplies in and out of the battle field. Crandall and his wingman Ed "Too Tall to Fly" Freeman, would be the workhorses!Freeman was previously awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic action in battle.
This was notably the first large engagement between American's and the North Vietnamese.
Being flown in to make contact with the enemy, little did Moore and his men know that they were just dropped in the middle of the operating base for 9th Bn /66th Regiment of the Peoples Army of Vietnam - North Vietnamese Regulars. Run by none other than Uncle Ho's best buddy -
What ensued, was nothing short of miraculous! Surrounded and cut off, the 7th Cav was outnumbered 450 to about 2000 highly trained and motivated ARVN troops. Shortly after being dropped off, and the helicopters continuing to bring troops and supplies, all hell broke loose.
The movie, portrays the events at LZ X-Ray at the battle of the Ia Drang Valley. While the book goes into much more detail about the battle, LZ Albany, LZ Victor and the battles fought there.
While the Medal of Honor is well earned, I am sure it will be bittersweet.Sunday, February 25, 2007
Anti-US blog - Mudheads in Mudville claims Evangelicans same as Taliban
Regarding the book, The Jesus Machine, the mudhead posts;
Author Dan Gilgoff was the guest on C-Span's Washington Journal this morning and he was speaking of the Evangelicals and their influence in the politics of America.
It should come as no surprise to those who read my blog that I am suspicious, at best, of this political movement. In fact, I have linked their meddling in US politics to what the Taliban had done in Afghanistan: projecting their religious beliefs into law.
I do not back away from this connection; zealots in the Christian right work feverishly to change the Constitution to fit their moral laundry list. They also wish a litmus test for judges so that they interpret the laws in light of their vision of
While I would equate the far right Christians (Bible Thumpers & Holy Rollers) as a little over zealous, but no more than the far left liberals bound to advance homo sexual agendas and the moral decline in our country.
To compare Evangelicals to the Taliban is nothing short complete ignorance to religion, the founding of our country and the facts.
As hard as someone tries, it cannot be disputed that our founding documents were based and created on Christian beliefs. I know this kills the liberal Christian hating left!
In recent times, I cannot recall any Evangelical Death Squads killing people that sinned or were non-believers as the Taliban did. If that was the case, people like mudhead would be swinging from a tree.
I guess only the left can try and rewrite the Constitution and history.
How Iraq terrorists target Prince Harry
February 24, 2007
LONDON – New concerns for Prince Harry's safety have emerged with MI6's discovery that the Iran-backed Mahdi army has obtained a version of the super-sensitive, U.S.-created Promis software, according to a breaking report in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.
The software provides access to databases on specific targets. It is equipped with artificial intelligence, which can analyze tens of millions of snippets of information in seconds to create a sophisticated overall picture that can both identify and predict the actions of a target.
The software was originally sold by a renegade FBI agent, Robert Hanssen. For years he had been a KGB spy inside the FBI. Before he was arrested in 2001, he had passed the FBI version of Promis to his handlers in Moscow. Hanssen is now serving a 20-year sentence for espionage in America's top security prison at Florence in Colorado.
Bill Hamilton, the creator of the software and head of the company, Inslaw, which markets it to U.S. intelligence agencies, said the acquisition by terrorists of Promis through the Soviets "is a matter of deep concern." More....
TERHAN (Fars News Agency)- Commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi here on Saturday stressed that his country's armed forces will suppress any move by anti-revolution and alien-affiliated bandits with maximum power.

Safavi said that enemies of Islam and Iran resort to all types of measures to win their goals as they believe that the goal justifies the means.
Determined to defeat the U.S.
The blog, Mudheads in Mudville, suggests this is just another blunder. Not surprising as this site blindly attacks any success we have in Iraq or our War on Terror. One comment on this anti-US success blog sarcastically remarks - It makes you wonder what he was doing in Iran. Probably just shopping or, sightseeing.
Now for the truth as to why detaining Ammar al-Hakim was NOT a blunder and had many far reaching effects ---
The SCIRI is used to help Iran's Quds force and other Iranian paramilitary forces infiltrate Iraq's military. SCIRI is also the main Shiite proponent of partitioning Iraq, along with the Kurdish parties. US Senator Joe (I got a plan) Biden also supports this misguided thinking.
The partitioning of Iraq, as I have posted before, will be disaster in the middle east. The effect on our national security, future of our country and War on Terror will be devastating. According to press accounts, Hakim was in Iraq to promote the partition plan where Iraq's Shia provinces would follow Kurdistan out of the Iraqi Federation.
Besides the threats to our national security and more unrest in the middle east, partitioning of Iraq has been tried before and did not work.
From Open Democracy --
So again, misinformation and trying to spin any success we have in Iraq as a blunder, is the mission of many in our country and abroad. Out of spite and unabated hate for President Bush these people put personal agendas before the security of our country and the free world in jeopardy.A feature of political discussion of Iraq in recent weeks has been another flurry of propaganda by United States politicians in favour of dividing Iraq into three statelets or semi-independent federal entities.
The schemes are strikingly similar, and their proponents indefatigable: Iraq is dismissed as an "artificial entity"; its "proper" and "natural" constituent components are instead identified as three ethno-religious communities – Shi'a Arabs, Sunni Arabs and Kurds.
In fact, Iraqi history fails to support such ideas – and particularly the notion that it should be necessary to enforce barriers between the Sunni and Shi'a Arabs.
Among several key Iraqi leaders who never went into exile abroad, the situation is much the same. "Federalism" appears not to exist in the vocabulary of the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani – who consistently emphasises national "unity" in his official pronouncements – and Muqtada al-Sadr's radical Islamism comes with a strong Iraqi nationalist component that foreigners often overlook.
In sum, then, the process of regionalisation in Iraq is far more tentative and open-ended than the orderly caricature maps currently bandied about in western think-tanks would indicate.But those partition schemes are more than a distortion of Iraqi history and today's realities. They also demonstrate flagrant contempt for the fragile democratic process which is underway in Iraq.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Iraq Update
Interview with US Soldier in Iraq - "Media has no integrity"
Reposted from Thinking -
- Tell me about some good things that are happening there…
There are hundreds of missions going on EVERYDAY that you all back home do not hear about. It does not meet the media agenda I guess. We have teams here that specialize in rebuilding Iraq, and they carry out tons of projects to better this place. They are repairing sewer systems, building wells, building schools, even repairing the roads in this country.
The truth is that there are hundreds of them going on everyday....
- Do you feel the security situation is improving?
YES. Problem for you all is that they will never report it back there in the states. For instance, I saw a press conference from General Casey, the MNF-I Commander, in regards to the provinces here. Iraq basically has 19 “states” compared to our 50, except they call them provinces. That said, in terms of security 14 are considered “green”, 3 are “amber” and 2 are still “red”.
Instead of telling the American public that story (I believe it is called the truth) the reporters they send over here sit in their cozy hotel in the IZ in Baghdad and only report the doom and gloom from the footage they buy from local reporters.
Has your nightly news ever started their coverage with the feature story “14 of 19 Iraqi provinces show MAJOR improvements” or “heavy fighting reduced to 2 provinces”? ......
- What can the American public do to help you… to support both the troops and the mission?
- What can the American public do to better support those that are coming home? I will answer both of these together. The answer is certainly complex, but I’ll point out one thing. The American soldiers are growing VERY disenfranchised with the American media and the impact it is having on the American people’s view of this war. The media is not telling the truth about this war, they are not telling what is going on over here.
There just seems to be no integrity in the entire media empire- how in the hell do those guys sleep at night?....
- What are your thoughts on the call for an immediate pull out? And what would the effects be on the troops?
To quit in Iraq now, will make every life lost part of something less. If we leave Iraq, Iran, Syria and Al Qaeda will undermine everything we have done. Iran will mobilize the Shiites and Al Qaeda the Sunni’s. The country will fall into complete rebellion as both groups fight to gain control of one of the world’s largest oil reserves.
All of these left-wing groups and out of touch politicians- what do they really think is going to happen if we just pull out like they grandstand about? ....
To read the whole interview and complete answers click here.
Strickland threatens to find plan to fix schools
In an interview with the Sandusky Register leads their story with -
Gov. Ted Strickland threw down the challenge Friday to leaders of the Ohio General Assembly, saying that if state lawmakers don’t cooperate to put together a bipartisan reform of the state’s school funding system, he’ll craft his own plan and take it to the voters as a state question.
Republican House Speaker Jon Husted has played political games with the school funding issue, pressuring Strickland to immediately announce a solution.
Rev. Ted obviously has no plan! After 10 years of complaining and campaigning, if elected, his term in office could be graded by how HE fixes school funding.
Strickland's threats to take it the voters, is empty! I thought by him just beating Blackwell meant the voters have spoke. Don't the democrats keep reminding us republicans of that?
Poor Ted is still crying foul and partisan politics because Republican House Speaker Jon Husted is forcing him into a corner. As Strickland has no plan, he will holler for bipartisanship so the republicans can lead him in the right direction.
Speaking with Erie County democrats the Sandusky Register quoted Strickland as saying -
“He and others have allowed this issue to fester for more than 10 years,” Strickland said. “My approach is to try to develop a consensus. I’m not interested in another failed attempt.”
The governor said he’d prefer to work with Republicans who control the Ohio Senate and House, but said he’s warned Husted he’ll put together a Democratic Party plan if he has to go directly to the voters.
Without revealing numbers, Strickland said he’ll propose more money for early childhood education and seek a modest hike in funding for higher education.
I would have to say - Go ahead Ted, let's see what you got!
County judge throws out Cleveland residency law
The judge, rightfully so, struck down the residency requirement over objections his ruling violates the cities "Home Rule" powers.
Many cities have a limits on how far emergency forces may live from the city. Personally, I feel nothing wrong with this. But to require someone to live in a city in order to keep their job is tantamount to holding someone hostage.
In issuing his ruling, Judge Corrigan stated;
He also scoffed at Cleveland's prediction of dire and irreparable harm if the residency requirement would be abolished, saying that if Cleveland wants to keep its employee residents, it should make it worth their while to stay.
"This court cannot speculate as to the accuracy of the crystal ball that prognosticates these employees will all abandon their neighborhoods and neighbors in a mass exodus of biblical proportions," Corrigan wrote in a ruling he released at 3:30 p.m.
"However, the city may employ its considerable resources to entice its employees to live in the city by any lawful incentives available in the same manner the city uses to attract businesses, tourists and other sources of revenue."
Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children
Pro-family group Mass Resistance, has joined the families who filed the suit after the father, David Parker, was arrested in 2005 for objections over the homosexual curriculum being taught in son's kindergarten class.
The reasons given for dismissing this civil rights lawsuits will leave you speechless. Many people are blaming former Gov. Mitt Romney, who is now seeking the republican nomination for President.
From WND -
A federal judge in Massachusetts has ordered the "gay" agenda taught to Christians who attend a public school in Massachusetts, finding that they need the teachings to be "engaged and productive citizens."
U.S. District Judge Mark L. Wolf yesterday dismissed a civil rights lawsuit brought by David Parker, ordering that it is reasonable, indeed there is an obligation, for public schools to teach young children to accept and endorse homosexuality.
Wolf essentially adopted the reasoning in a brief submitted by a number of homosexual-advocacy groups, who said "the rights of religious freedom and parental control over the upbringing of children … would undermine teaching and learning…"
"In the ruling, Wolf makes the absurd claim that normalizing homosexuality to young children is 'reasonably related to the goals of preparing students to become engaged and productive citizens in our democracy.' According to Wolf, this means teaching 'diversity' which includes 'differences in sexual orientation.'
"In addition, Wolf makes the odious statement that the Parkers' only options are (1) send their kids to a private school, (2) home-school their kids, or (3) elect a majority of people to the School Committee who agree with them.
The judge concluded that even allowing Christians to withdraw their children from classes or portions of classes where the religious beliefs were being violated wasn't a reasonable expectation.
"An exodus from class when issues of homosexuality or same-sex marriage are to be discussed could send the message that gays, lesbians, and the children of same-sex parents are inferior and, therefore, have a damaging effect on those students," he opined.
"David Parker's dilemma … threatens the parental rights and religious freedom of every Massachusetts parent, and indirectly every parent in America," said John Haskins of the Parents' Rights Coalition.
"As the Lexington schools themselves are arguing, the state's right to force pro-homosexuality indoctrination on other people's children arises directly from former Gov. Mitt Romney's nakedly false and unconstitutional declaration that homosexual marriage is now legal." More....
Friday, February 23, 2007
February 23, 2007
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON – U.S. Army soldiers and insurgents have something in common: They share a single electromagnetic spectrum to communicate and launch attacks.
"The spectrum is that invisible world inhabited by television transmissions, by all sorts of radios, by cell phones, by satellite links, by GPS links," Army Col. Lauri Moe Buckhout, electronic warfare division chief, told reporters at the Pentagon yesterday.
"In Baghdad you might have American soldiers, coalition soldiers ... an Iraqi friendly forces mother and father talking to each other to coordinate a taxi to pick up their sick son and take him to the hospital," she said. "They are all legitimate users of the spectrum."
Buckhout said the U.S. forces' enemies haven't historically used electronics to wage warfare, but things are changing and the spectrum is wide open.
"In the middle of it, there's a bad guy using a cell phone to make something bad happen," she said. "So we have to get good at finding that one hostile spectrum user and take him out. "Electronic warfare is defined as using the spectrum to attack an enemy, to deny, degrade, defeat the capabilities of an enemy," Buckhout said. "We need to dominate the spectrum."
The Army's fight to dominate electronic warfare is hampered by its lack of experience, she said.
The last time the army wielded electronic warfare as a major tactic, soldiers used "barrage jammers" to prevent enemies from using the spectrum. But these former methods are now ineffective, Buckhout said. More.....
WASHINGTON, Feb 16 (Reuters) - Stepping up U.S. financial pressure on Iran over its nuclear program, the Treasury Department labeled three Iranian companies on Friday as proliferators of weapons of mass destruction and banned Americans from transactions with them.
The Treasury, invoking an executive order recently used against Iranian state-owned banks, said it would also seek to freeze any U.S. assets of Kalaye Electric Co., Kavoshyar Co. and Pioneer Energy Industries Co.
It said the companies are either owned by, controlled by, or acting on behalf of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, the government agency that manages Iran's overall nuclear program, including efforts to enrich uranium through centrifuge and laser processes.
"Treasury is taking this action to deny Iran access to the materials and services that support its nuclear ambitions," said Stuart Levey, the Treasury's under secretary for for terrorism and financial intelligence.
The action was consistent with the U.N. Security Council's recent resolution aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear program, Levey added in his statement. The resolution imposes sanctions, including suspension of financial services, against 10 Iranian organizations and 12 individuals associated with Tehran's nuclear and ballistic missile programs.
In January, the Treasury banned U.S. companies and citizens from doing business with Iranian-state-owned Bank Sepah, citing its financing of Iran's efforts to procure ballistic missile technology. The Treasury in September 2006 also moved to freeze another state-owned institution out of the U.S. financial system, Bank Saderat, accusing Iran of using it to transfer money to terrorist organizations.
Iran has denied U.S. accusations against the banks. U.S. officials have since been working to persuade other countries to cut financial ties to the institutions.
In Friday's designation, the Treasury said Kalaye Electric has been linked to Iran's centrifuge research and development efforts and was listed in documents attached to the U.N. Security Council resolution due to its involvement in Iran's nuclear program.
Kavoshyar's sole shareholder is the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and Pioneer Energy provides services to AEOI, including technological support, the Treasury said.
Hollywood Campaign Contributions

Total Contributions - $201,124,540
Contributions from PACs - $35,613,941
Soft Money Contributions - $67,783,880
- Donations to Democrats - $136,848,412
- % to Dems - 68%
- Donations to Republicans - $63,477,433
- % to Repubs - 32%
NOTE: Soft money contributions to the national parties were not publicly disclosed until the 1991-92 election cycle, and were banned by the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act following the 2002 elections.
When the Hollywood glitterati shifted their political support this week from Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., to Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., the event marked a sea change in an industry that has long supported the former first lady and Democratic front-runner for the presidency. And it begs the question, just how much does Clinton stand to lose if she doesn't have the full weight of Tinseltown behind her?
Quite a bit, actually. From 2001 to 2006, Clinton pulled in almost $1.3 million from the entertainment community, according to the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP), a Washington-based group that tracks campaign finance information. Within the last two years alone, she ranked first among members of Congress in raising money from the television, movie and music industries combined.
During the last election cycle, running from 2005 to 2006, Clinton raked in roughly $945,000 from the entertainment world--more than twice as much as the second-place finisher, Rep. Harold Ford, D-Tenn., who lost his bid for a Senate seat. Obama was not even among the top 20 senators raising Hollywood money. (CRP's numbers are based on contributions from political action committees and individuals contributing $200 or more. The figures are current as of Jan. 22, 2007, when the Federal Election Commission released the information.)
The Dreamworks fundraiser for Obama on Tuesday raised a reported $1.3 million from the likes of David Geffen, Steven Spielberg, Eddie Murphy and George Clooney but does not necessarily indicate a snubbing of Clinton by Hollywood-- More....
Watching the dems and their in the pocket pals, MSM and Hollywood, trip over each other during the primary is going to be great. The battle for Hollywood will be very interesting!
The UN's oil-for-food program has been tainted by corruptionA South Korean man has been jailed for five years for accepting kickbacks from Saddam Hussein to subvert the UN's oil-for-food program in Iraq.
Businessman and lobbyist Tongsun Park was convicted on conspiracy charges in July 2006, for receiving at least $2 million (£1.02 million) from Baghdad. Mr Park, 71, did not speak at the sentencing hearing in New York.
At his trial last year, Mr Park claimed he was representing the UN's interests in his dealings with Baghdad. More....
Tops workers can keep money - No thanks to unions
The calculations used were agreed to by Local 880 and Tops Markets LLC. Union officials now claim they were unaware of the calculations used.
While Local 880 will try to imply through hard work of the unions, the money will not have to be repaid.
When in fact, I would suspect Tops came to the decision after seeing the bad publicity. We can be confident the unions were as ineffective as they were with the original buyouts.
The PD reported today -
Tops Markets LLC, which pulled out of Northeast Ohio in December, has decided to let its former workers keep the money it mistakenly overpaid them for severance and vacation.
Two weeks after mailing letters to about 650 former employees asking them to return the windfall, the supermarket chain has changed its mind and decided not to try to recoup the money.
The amount Tops overpaid former employees by miscalculating severance and vacation awards is almost $400,000, according to the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 880. (Note: Union officials claim they did not agree to calculations used.)
"After consultation with Local 880, we have mutually agreed to forgo any repayment owed to Tops," Max Henderson, executive vice president and general manager of Tops, wrote Thursday in an e-mail from the company's Williamsville, N.Y., headquarters.
"We sincerely apologize to our former associates for any hardship this may have caused," he wrote. "It has always been our goal to make sure that all of our former employees are treated fairly, and we will continue to work diligently to resolve any outstanding payment issues." More...
Political Correctness is the Incubator of Islamism
Below is parts of an editorial written by Amil Imani in Persian Journal. Amil Imani is an Iranian-born American citizen and pro-democracy activist residing in the United States of America.
Time and again we are told by the politically correct "experts" not to worry about Islam posing a threat to our way of life. We are repeatedly lectured that only a very small minority of Muslims are troublemakers who are giving the peaceful masses of Muslims a bad name....
With heavy assurances like this, coming from so many know-it-all authoritative figures, we can sleep soundly without the aid of sleeping pills. Those who voice contrary views must be a bunch of racist, alarmist hate mongers. Who is right?
The Islam problem is very real and deadly. It is here and it shows every sign of imposing itself on us. Let us look at some of the facts.
- Not every Muslim wears an explosive vest ready to detonate in the midst of a crowd of innocent civilians, yet there are more volunteers for the mission than there are explosive vests. The Islamic Republic of Iran, for instance, hasn't even officially joined this form of jihad. Yet, by its own admission, it has over 10,000 volunteers trained ready to be deployed, and thousands more queuing to join in.
- The jihadists are not confined to a minority of disaffected Muslim youth. How young are Bin Laden, his deputy doctor of death Al Zawahiri, mullah Omar of the Taliban, Khamenei and Refsanjani of Iran, just to name a few? How disaffected are they? Muhammad Ata, leader of the 19 airborne thugs and the decapitator of Wall Street Journal reporter Pearl were somewhat younger, yet well-healed and Western educated.
- Just coin some terms such as the "Melting Pot," or "Multiculturalism" and you have the problem solved? Roll out the red carpet for the immigrant Muslims...... No such thing at all. The Islamists, come with the belief that they already own the place and want to make it part of the Ummeh. Some forty percent of second and third generation Muslim Britons reject British democracy, express their allegiance to Islam and want to live under Sharia.
- The new Islamist arrivals take advantage of the provisions of the most benign system known to humanity, democracy, to implode it from within. Muslims, by sheer numbers, will soon be in a position to vote out democracy... They are imposing many of their values, in a number of societies, even while they are in the minority.
- As for Multiculturalism, it is even more of a delusion than the Melting Pot myth. It is a second generation Comfort Pill. Since the Melting Pot proved to be worse than a placebo, the politically correct gave us the new pill. A glance at Europe shows how Multiculturalism in fact has served as the incubator of Islamism in no time at all.
- Respect for diversity, separation of religion and state, freedom of belief and expression, are pillars of democracy, yet anathema to Islam. In no Islamic land do you find an ecumenical organization.
- To Muslims, no other religion is deemed worthy of recognition, much less accommodation. There is not a single church or synagogue or a Buddhist temple in all of Saudi Arabia. They are barred.
- In Islam only Muslim men, and, to a lesser extent, Muslim women, are entitled to certain rights. All non-Muslims, including the so-called people of the book, namely Christians and Jews, are at best second-class subject, subjects who must pay the back-breaking Jezyyeh, poll tax, for their "sin" of not converting to Islam.
- Most importantly, not to worry about Islamization of our country? Islamists are notorious for their dedication to the use of force for achieving their aims. The Taliban were a small minority in Afghanistan, the Islamists were a tiny faction in the 1979 Islamic Revolution of Iran. Hamas is also a "minority", yet it rules the Palestinian Territory. Hizbollah of Lebanon is a minority, yet it has taken the country to the verge of destruction.
- Islam and democracy are incompatible. As democracies practice their magnificent accommodating belief, they knowingly or unknowingly lay the track for the advancing wrecking train of Islam. We, in the United States of America must resist Islamism while it is still gathering momentum...
- We, in the United States, further need to embark on a comprehensive legal, educational, and social campaign to eradicate the deadly plague of Islam. It is a statement of fact about what Islam is. Islam is a highly communicable pandemic violent disease that demands urgent and serious containment.
Europe is already badly infected with Islamism. It is the coal-miners' canary. It is telling us that the next stop is America. We must act and act now.
We must not sacrifice our cherished way of life and the lives of our children at the altar of political correctness: the incubator of Islamofascism.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 22, 2007 – Iraqi and coalition forces killed or detained numerous terrorists over the last two days, and soldiers detained an Iraqi police official suspected of involvement in sectarian violence, military officials reported.
Coalition forces killed three terrorists and detained 11 others during operations today targeting al Qaeda in Iraq and foreign fighter facilitators near Taji and Samarra.
West of Taji, coalition forces captured six suspected terrorists with alleged ties to al Qaeda and found weapons, including several rocket-propelled grenades, in the targeted building.
As coalition forces started to leave the area with the detainees, they saw three armed men maneuvering toward them. Using what officials called “proper self-defense measures,” ground forces called for close air support. A coalition helicopter crew fired on and killed the three armed men.
Near Samarra, coalition forces captured five people suspected of helping foreign fighters enter Iraq.
Special Iraqi army forces, working with coalition advisors, conducted several operations in Baghdad yesterday:
- In eastern Baghdad, they captured the suspected leader of an improvised-explosive-device cell and two other cell members. The suspects allegedly are responsible for carrying out IED attacks against Iraqi civilians and security forces, and inciting sectarian violence in the Baghdad area. The men are suspected of being part of a rogue militia operating against Iraqi civilians and coalition forces, officials said.
- Two other suspected members of the same rogue militia were captured in Baghdad’s Karadah district. The suspects are implicated in the sectarian kidnapping, torture and murder of Iraqi civilians, officials said, and of the kidnapping and murder of Iraqi soldiers.
- A suspected weapons trafficker was detained in eastern Baghdad. The man is believed to be a key Baghdad facilitator for networks moving advanced IEDs and components into Iraq. Two other people were detained for questioning.
In Baqubah yesterday, 5th Iraqi Army Division forces and coalition forces detained a senior Iraqi police official.
Officials said credible intelligence indicates the suspect uses his position to provide cover for his alleged involvement in sectarian violence – including murder, torture and kidnapping -- against Iraqi citizens in Diyala province.
The suspect is believed to be a leader within a group operating in Baqubah and Diyala province that allegedly provides information on coalition forces, Iraqi security forces and Iraqi civilians to illegally armed elements. The police official was detained in his office building by Iraqi and coalition forces without incident, officials said.
(Compiled from Multinational Force Iraq and Multinational Corps Iraq news release.)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
February 22, 2007
Plain Dealer
A 27-year-old former assistant high school soccer coach was indicted today on charges accusing him of having sex with a 15-year-old girl.
Patrick Omiecinski, 27, of Maple Heights, was an assistant soccer coach at Garfield Heights High. He is accused of twice having sex with a member of the girl's soccer team, according to the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's office. The incidents are said to have happened last September.
The principal of the school reported the crime to the police, and upon investigation by the school, Omiecinski was dismissed from his voluntary position as a soccer coach and banned from the school, officials said.
Omiecinski is charged with sexual battery and unlawful sexual conduct with a minor.
Pentagon announces - New Border Guard Patrol
These Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas boys will be dropped off along the U.S. Mexican border and have been given only the following facts about those attempting to enter the country illegally:
1. The season opened today.
2. There is no limit.
3. They taste just like chicken.
4. They don't like beer, pickups, country music, or Jesus.
5. They are DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the death of Dale Earnhardt.
The Pentagon expects the border to be secure by Tuesday.
February 22, 2007
Plain Dealer
Lake County commissioners voted to establish a port authority to promote economic development in the county.
Port authorities have the ability to sell bonds to raise money for economic development projects. Cuyahoga County's port authority, for example, has been involved in many development projects. Most recently, it has worked with the Cleveland Cavaliers on a $20 million plan to build a new practice facility for the team in Independence.
Lake County's port authority will be governed by seven member board appointed by the county commissioners. It will not be allowed to fund economic development projects that involve moving businesses from one Lake County community to another.
Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney on Wednesday harshly criticized Democrats' attempts to thwart President Bush's troop buildup in Iraq, saying their approach would "validate the al-Qaida strategy." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fired back that Cheney was questioning critics' patriotism.
"I hope the president will repudiate and distance himself from the vice president's remarks," Pelosi said. She said she tried to complain about Cheney to President Bush but could not reach him.
"You cannot say as the president of the United States, 'I welcome disagreement in a time of war,' and then have the vice president of the United States go out of the country and mischaracterize a position of the speaker of the House and in a manner that says that person in that position of authority is acting against the national security of our country," the speaker said.
The quarrel began in Tokyo, where Cheney used an interview to criticize Pelosi and Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., over their plan to place restrictions on Bush's request for an additional $93 billion for the Iraq war to make it difficult or impossible to send 21,500 extra troops to Iraq.
"I think if we were to do what Speaker Pelosi and Congressman Murtha are suggesting, all we will do is validate the al-Qaida strategy," the vice president told ABC News. "The al-Qaida strategy is to break the will of the American people ... try to persuade us to throw in the towel and come home, and then they win because we quit. More....
Cheney is right on point with his assessment of how the democrats are al-Qaeda best weapon.
Their blind hatred of President Bush, Cheney and the administration, obscures their view of the obvious.
Terrorists in Cleveland
February 22, 2007
Plain Dealer
Thousands of people came to Cleveland in July 2004 for a conference on Muslim families and the challenges they face, but two cousins had other motives in making the six-hour drive from Chicago, prosecutors said.
Zubair and Khaleed Ahmed came to the conference and met with a man who promised to train them to kill American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to an indictment unsealed Wednesday.
Zubair Ahmed, 27, and Khaleed Ahmed, 26, were charged with conspiring to commit terrorist acts against Americans overseas. They were arrested Wednesday in Chicago and are scheduled to appear in U.S. District Court there Monday.....
The two men are accused of being part of what prosecutors say is a terror cell based in Toledo that trained to support insurgents fighting in Iraq by making explosives and smuggling computers to them.
......El-Hindi called again, this time from Chicago, and said he planned to bring the Ahmed cousins to meet "the Trainer" that weekend at a convention in Cleveland, prosecutors said.
The Islamic Circle of North America's annual gathering was at the Cleveland Convention Center. Topics of the three-day conference included the future of Iraq, the Patriot Act and the plight of former Cleveland Imam Fawaz Damra. More....