Thursday, May 3, 2007

Another 75 suspended for opposing 'gay' day

More on the homosexual agenda being forced down our throats through the liberal educators poisoning our children....

From World Net Daily --

At least another 75 students have been suspended from school in California for wearing shirts that expressed their biblically-based opposition to homosexuality, and the district that, as WND reported, has been imposing the punishments, says those quotations aren't necessarily acceptable because they are from God's Word.

That's the verdict from San Juan Unified School District Superintendent Steven Enoch, according to lawyers for the Pacific Justice Institute, which is working on behalf of the students.

The suspensions were begun on April 18 when the homosexual lobby-supported "Day of Silence" was observed in public schools in California – and across the nation.

An unknown number of students but at least dozens and perhaps hundreds of students were suspended for that day when they arrived wearing T-shirts proclaiming the Bible's condemnation of homosexuality, and PJI lawyer Kevin Snider was launched into action. More...


  1. We really have to look at this issue as a mental and emotional illness. Then and only then will the people that live their lives this way find a way out. However, most of world believes the lie that some how in the animal kingdom God, or if you choose nature, created five categories (heterosexual man, heterosexual woman, homosexual man, homosexual woman, and transgender) for the species homosapiens, yet in all others two; unless of course the ones that reproduce asexually.

    While many with this affliction may never control or stop the tendencies toward same sex attraction, at least we could start focusing our effort and the effort of the medical community on the problem, rather than what we are currently doing, perpetuating it.

    Additionally, I would ask you not to label this category as you currently have because it does denote disdain. As much as the action of the radical homosexual agenda bothers us, we have to remember this is an illness.

  2. Illness? Please.....

    I have considered your request to re label the category..... No, I will not. If it denotes disdain, than the label works.

    By asking for medical treatment and me to relabel the category, THAT is perpetuating their cause.


Don't be scared!