Saturday, August 16, 2008

Steaming Load Award -- El Paso County (Colorado) Sheriff’s Office

From PIG --

Steaming Load Number 1: El Paso County (Colorado) Sheriff’s office hands out ‘how to get away with it’ info to border jumpers.

If border jumping Chico and Juan get nailed by the El Paso County (Colorado) Sheriff’s office for some infraction, that trip to the graybar hotel probably won’t result in an immigration beef. Why? Because, when Chico and Juan get to the El Paso graybar, some kindly folks will be handing out a packet of ‘how to get away with it’ information:

"This is a brochures that is trying to turn illegal aliens into victims and this program sponsored by the sheriff's office is telling people how to undercut federal law enforcement," says [Colorado State Representative Douglas] Bruce.

He provided NEWSCHANNEL 13 with the entire packet, which includes cartoon drawings, with one man holding a card saying: "I want to speak to my lawyer." The six-page brochure teaches undocumented workers to remain silent, demand a lawyer and not to carry papers from another country.

"We encourage the removal of illegal aliens and getting them out of our jails and turning them over to customs enforcement for deportation. Then we have a program that is twisting the definition of victim so that people who are criminal are victims," says Bruce. (KRDO, Colorado Springs)

Eager to divert blame from his department, Sheriff Terry Maketa is doing a commendable job of acting shocked. The activists who use his training rooms - the Colorado Legal Center and Asian Pacific Center - told him the information packets were concerned with victims rights. Victims rights? Since when are border jumping scumbag invaders ‘victims’?

Playing both sides of this border jumping game, Sheriff Maketa is participating in a federal program that allows deputies to be sworn in as federal agents for immigration related issues. That sounds cool, but we suspect that Sheriff Maketa is getting some federal greenbacks for ‘participating’. In other words, while his department is aiding and abetting this border jumpers as victims scam, he’s also cashing in on Uncle Sam’s ‘make your deputy a border agent, too’ offer.

At best, Sheriff Maketa is blissfully unaware of what’s really going on in his own department. At worst, he’s a lying border jumper coddling pile of shit who deserves to have his badge ripped off his shirt and shoved up his ass.

Perpetrated by: Hambo

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