Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Republican Party of Cuyahoga County Splog

Most people on line know that the word "blog" comes from combining the words - web & log. Well there has been a new addition in the blogosphere, but this new place does not qualify to be called a blog. A more accurate reflection of this new so-called blog would be by combining the words - spin & log and it would be called a SPLOG.

The SPLOG is being run by the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County (RPCC) - the Cuyahoga Rough Writers Splog. This brain-fart of an idea was gassed out by none other than the spin master himself, Little Robbie Frost, Chair of the RPCC, or RINO Party of Cuyahoga County. Promoted as a way of creating a more open dialogue among rank & file members of the RPCC and as an avenue for getting out information, the new splog is anything but!

...I would hope that this forum will let our members comment on the state of the Republican Party at the local, state and national levels and also give us the necessary feedback to review the direction of our local County Party.

....everyone will receive the same courtesies extended to them from the RPCC staff. We will not always agree on every issue, but putting those issues in the light and discussing them in an open forum can only lead to a better understanding for all of us.

Open dialogue? Not a chance! By requiring your name and email when leaving a comment they can be sure only soft ball type questions and remarks would be left by members of their "social club." Nobody that is unhappy or disagrees with our broken party would dare be open and honest (except me and a few others) for fear of retribution by the "Social Club" members. A regular commenter on KRS, "The Nose," believes in the near future a DNA sample may be required to leave a comment on their splog.

In the first days of the Rough Writers Splog comments were able to be left unmoderated. After being asked a few tough questions that they refused to answer,

all comments are now moderated. So much for open dialogue!

Why do I call it a splog? Well it pretty much speaks for itself! One of the funniest examples is when the Rough guys posted a great piece about the role of a county party. The post was written by Matt Hurley of Weapons of Mass Discussion. Not realizing Matt is a true conservative, unlike them, the Rough Guys stepped in their own pile of conservative crap. In attempts at portraying the RPCC under Little Robbie's leadership as effective, competent, successful or conservative, they try passing Matt's words off as their beliefs.

Buckle up kiddies the spin starts here! Matt wrote...

The only time a Republican should ever support a Democrat is if the Republican violates one of these principles. Support is defined as a vote or a donation. If a Republican is supporting a Democrat, the Republicans all over the state are losing. We are all connected and a crack in the foundation anywhere can bring the whole structure down on itself.

I am dizzy from spin on this one! I agree 100% with Matt!!! Only problem is - Frost has publicly stated he does not care if his party officers donate too democrats. In fact - at our last Central Committee meeting, even though it is a clear violation of our by laws, Frosty heaped praise on many of these so-called good Republicans for giving democrats money.

SO, by Frost believing a Republican can donate money to a democrat and then having the above posted - would you say the Rough Writers Splog is being dishonest or being hypocrites?


  1. Frost is a liar and a hypocrite.

    He has not changed since our days in high school.

  2. I will go on the record to say that I do not despise Rob Frost like some others here, but the Rough Writer's site is a joke. I think some of the articles they post are good, and would garner a lot of discussion. However, do you think a Democrat is going to contribute to the discussion by giving his/her real name, email, and DNA sample? Hell no. How can you have have good, open, frank, (and Fun!) discussion without anonynimty (Sp?). How can you have these discussions without allowing people who disagree with you to post? You can't.

    King..I know you and I may not have seen eye to eye on certain things, but I appreciate you letting me have my opinion.

    One last note. I don't necessarily think it is Rob Frost's policy about the full name and DNA sample. It is the policy of those in the HQ maintaining the site.

    I know my friend Dave Fago tried to post there as dgfohio when the site first opened, and the site administrator changed "dgfohio" to Dave Fago. Fago was not happy about that and has not posted since.

    P.S. King: thanks for the shout out in the post!

  3. Great post.

    it's really remarkable that they have absolutely no comments on the splog given what's happend the last 10 days. if ever there was a time that people would be interested in what they have to say this would be it.


  4. Look who has posted on this blog, when they can actually get a post. A who's who list of "who are you" and party hangers-on and lemmings...

    Matt Carpenter
    Steve Backiel
    Josh Vaughan
    Val Emerett
    Patrick Kelly
    Dave Luketic
    Matt Abens
    Joe Armshlinger
    Dave Harbargar
    Bob Grundstein

    Social club members and wannabees.

  5. Jack,

    I see Patrick Kelly is Trakas's campaign director. He is about 14. He may be very good, but it seems we have a real chance to beat Kooch why isn't a more high profile person in charge? Anybody know? If I am all wet and Patrick is the best I will eat humble pie but it looks fishy to me.


  6. Nose...

    I do not hate Rob Frost. In fact up until the reform they tried shoving down our throats, I would have called myself a supporter of Rob's. I believe I have given him evry chance possible to show he could make our party successful. To date he hasn't. I am fully aware that the problems in our party started before Rob, but he did nothing to change them. It stayed the status quo.

    My issues with Rob is that he is two-faced. He cannot be trusted and he has a tendency to be dishonest. I can honestly say, I no longer have any respect for him. I have spoken with Rob on several occasions about items I was unhappy with and party issues. His actions after these conversations were not in any way close to what our discussions reflected. Pretty much - I do not like someone pissing on my leg and then tell me it is raining.

    So from the platform, moving forward to the illegal contracts given for the voting machines - that he and our party did nothing about, and now with how they are being dishonest about the corruption probe and our upcoming county elections it shows me the integrity in our county party is non-existent.

    As for their SPLOG... being the chairman - I would say he is directly repsonsible for everything that does or does not come out of that over priced HQ that has no parking.

    I find it amusing they require name and email address, when several at HQ have commented here under the anonymous moniker.

    Had this SPLOG been used for what they claimed it would be, it would have been a great tool for our party. But as you see it is a joke. When the party members were first told the RPCC would be starting a blog many indicated to me it would be to counter what is posted here. I laughed! I told these people that it would only be a matter of time before their blog would turn into a splog. It would only be a matter of time before other bloggers started ridiculing them, party members would NOT be allowed to comment freely and it is only going to be used for them to get out their "version" of the so-called truth. ANd - I was right again! Man, it sure is good to be the "KING."

    Mr. Nose - understand something about me - you say we don't always agree... well we shouldn't always agree. We are two different people and most likely have had different lives growing up. I do not expect and do not like when someone ALWAYS agrees with me or always agrees with anyone for that matter.

    The main reason I started KRS is so people can freely voice their opinion about what is going on at the county level. I am glad to afford you an opportunity to voice your opinion and create discussion. I believe this is the only way we can start repairing the damge the social club members have caused our party. Your comments are always welcome here. If you ever wish to have something posted, feel free to email me and I would be happy to make a post for you under "The Nose."
    That they would change a commenters name is typical of the type of people we are dealing with at HQ. It does not shock me this happened. Let your buddy know his comments are always welcome here - regardless if I agree with them or not.

    Please come up and say hi next time you see me. Don't worry - you will always be known as "The Nose" on KRS and your identity will not be compromised. You know... only The Nose knows, where The Nose goes!

    Westside anon - regardless of who Jim's campaign manager is - it is important we all work to get Jim elected. He is one of the few candidates I feel is worthy of our support.

    Truthfully other than Trakas, Sutula and Baker - I would not kick a dog in the ass with our other candidates.

    HQ is already starting their whispering campaign about Luks & Butler not doing anything.

    This is typical of HQ, lay the groundwork that the candidates is not working so when they lose HQ will have an easier time laying blame for more of their failures. Don't believe me that they do this? How many county wide candidates that lose, run a second time? Not many, if any at all.

  7. Don't worry Ralph. Every one knows The nose is Diane Stover.
    You don't need to protect her, nor can you.

  8. King,
    These are the comments on the article courtesy of the Rough Riders Blog. I was really blown away that they printed the article and even more suprised they published my comment. Do let me know what you think.

    Posted by: Stephen Emmert | Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 12:26 PM

    Excellent article. I could not have said it better myself, although I most certainly did not fail in my duty to try. There is only one part I must correct Mr. Hurtey on. The Ohio Democrats fear most County Republican Parties with the exception being Cuyahoga. Completely unorganized(435 precincts of 1463 filled with committeemen), no canvassing of neighborhoods in at least 15 years, no opposition at the highest levels against those who would even donate against (and even vote against) the Republican Nominee for President, let alone local Democrats galore. I would be curious to see the campaign contributions to Dimora and Russo and Kelley. It would not surprise anyone ,I suspect, to find Republican officers on the lists.
    The Democrats are not afraid of their "PALS", nor those they can roll over the top of so easily.
    The party has a lot of work to do to live up to it's name the Gallant Old Party or Grand Old Party. But you know it is worth the fight. To preserve such great principles and to maybe even have a direct hand in preserving our nation. How Glorious a cause. May GOD BLESS the efforts to restore the Republican Party here in Cuyahoga County.


Don't be scared!