Saturday, August 2, 2008

Steaming Load Award - D.C. Officials

From Politically Incorrect Gazette --

Steaming Load #1: D. C. Officials continue to give the Second Amendment the one-finger salute.

Despite a ruling by the U. S. Supreme Court that affirmed an individual’s right to keep and bear arms....Despite the nuking of their Draconian gun law by America’s highest court, the asshats running the District of Columbia continue to defy our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms in our own self-defense.

After the ruling, in record time, the D.C. Council enacted a new, equally Draconian, law that disarms law-abiding citizens. Wasting no time, some rational, D.C. adults responded with a new lawsuit:
‘...Dick Heller and two other plaintiffs argue that the city's regulations are "highly unusual and unreasonable" in the complaint filed in U.S. District Court.

The lawsuit claims the District of Columbia continues to violate the intent of the Supreme Court's June 26 decision by prohibiting the ownership of most semiautomatic weapons, requiring an "arbitrary" fee to register a firearm and establishing rules that make it all but impossible for residents to keep a gun in the home for immediate self-defense...’

‘...Handguns, as well as other legal firearms such as rifles and shotguns, also must be kept unloaded and disassembled, or equipped with trigger locks in the home unless there is a "reasonably perceived threat of immediate harm."

"A robber basically has to make an appointment" for a resident to be able to prepare the weapon for use, Heller's attorney, Stephen Halbrook, said Monday. Halbrook also called the city's definition of machine guns "bizarre."...’ (AP)

The new edict is a delaying action, until the D.C. asshats can impose a permanent ban in September. If the justice system reacts with unprecedented speed, these rat bastards will serve up another frontal assault on the Second Amendment. If the court system does what comes naturally, by moving slowly, the D.C. Council will continue to make the streets safe for heavily armed rat bastard gangsters, who will continue to make Washington D.C. one of the murder capitals of the USA.. The law abiding citizens of D.C. deserve better, but they won't get it until they flush these Constitution-hating D.C. Council turds down the crapper, permanently.

Perpetrated by: Hambo

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