Sunday, August 10, 2008

Waterboarding Amusement Exhibit at Coney Island

Now here is a great idea...if it was used in the right way - unfortunately it is being used as a liberal propaganda tool against the United States at one our most famous amusement parks!

Created by a peace-nik liberal it is cast as serving educational purposes. Had this been done by a conservative they would be labeled a war-mongering capitalist pig profiting off the war and never allowed to take place.

Peace-nik artist Steve Powers put his useless talents at work and created the " Waterboard Thrill Ride." For $1 visitors at Coney Island get treated to a robotic recreation of a terror-loving jihadikaze being waterboarded at Guantonamo Bay. The artist has admitted the attraction is meant to criticize the United States for using what some panty waists have called deemed torture.

From Persian Journal --

A man with a black hood pours water on the face of a prisoner in an orange jumpsuit strapped to a table: no, it's not Guantanamo Bay naval base, but New York's Coney Island amusement park.

"Waterboard Thrill Ride" beckons a sign along with cartoon character "SpongeBob SquarePants" who appears tied down and exclaiming: "It don't Gitmo better!"

"Anyone can see this is painful from 50 feet away," said Powers, who had previously been painting signs and storefronts in the area. "I wanted people to understand the psychological ramifications of this."

Alex Soto, 23, said he thought it was a good thing for people to learn about waterboarding, but he added: "It is pretty twisted."
Powers and the kiddie-thrillers at Coney Island mention nothing that this investigative technique elicited information that has been attributed in saving countless Americans lives and thwarting possible attacks on US soil. I wonder if they would allow a cigar stand called - Bill & Monica's?

Did this violate these virgin seeking Islamikazes of any rights? Who cares! I would much rather see some stupid perceived right extended too these cult followers of Islam violated than an American losing their life. And yes - even if that life was of a liberal or democrat.

Is waterboarding torture? No! I believe it is a very effective and extreme form of investigative interrogation used on subjects that their is reason to believe has highly valuable information that may save American lives. That being said, since I do not intend on attacking our country I cannot say first hand.

BUT.... if you want to hear what it sounds like when a person gets waterboarded you must listen to the Bob Frantz Show - WTAM 1100 - (9:00am) in the morning. Coming home the other day I heard a commercial about this fact finding mission being conducted on the Franz's show.

Instead of Sponge Bob like the above attraction, one of Frantz's Sponge Heads - "Haz" - has volunteered to be waterboarded. Well, not really waterboarded but beerboarded. If this stunt goes off as planned, you can bet I will be posting about it!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of links in this post.

    Care to provide one showing proof that "this investigative technique elicited information that has been attributed in saving countless Americans lives and thwarting possible attacks on US soil"?


Don't be scared!