Friday, March 6, 2009

Steaming Load Award: Messiah Barry’s shabby treatment of our best ally

From Politically Incorrect Gazette --

Steaming Load of the Week

Steaming Load #1: Messiah Barry’s shabby treatment of our best ally.

Here in the Free State of PIG, we have unresolved issues with Brit Prime Minister Gordon Brown. He and his liberal political clan need to be bitch slapped for coddling home-grown Jihadikazes, going Korrectnik bonkers and the systematic repeal of inalienable individual liberty in the U.K. Long story short, Gordon isn’t our idea of a good time.

Despite our misgivings about the liberal Brit government, we are still outraged by the shabby treatment Messiah Barry has inflicted on the best friend America has in the world. It was bad enough when he booted a statue of Winston Churchill - a gift to America from the Brits - out of Washington and sent it back to England, but the worst was yet to come.

When Prime Minister Gordon Brown paid an official visit to Washington D. C., Messiah Barry treated him like some poor Kenyan relation who arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with all his goats, 12 wives and a noisy tribe of young ‘uns. No state dinner. No joint appearances. No sign of respect whatsoever for the leader of a nation that, routinely, stands by America’s side, when nobody else will answer our calls.

Messiah Barry’s treatment of this important ally is all the proof we need that he’s a sanctimonious, no class, ass who needs to get over himself.

Flush the bastard? You better believe it, Dumbo-eared legend in his own mind, Sparky.

Update: Messiah Barry betrayed what a bottom dweller he really is, when it came to the exchange of gifts between two world leaders whose nations are so closely linked, in the annals of history. To his credit, Prime Minister Gordon Brown did his nation proud, when he presented well thought out gifts steeped in historic meaning:

Mr Brown's gifts included an ornamental desk pen holder made from the oak timbers of Victorian anti-slaver HMS Gannet, once named HMS President.

Mr Obama was so delighted he has already put it in pride of place in the Oval Office on the Resolute desk which was carved from timbers of Gannet's sister ship, HMS Resolute.

Another treasure given to the U.S. President was the framed commission for HMS Resolute, a vessel that came to symbolise Anglo-US peace when it was saved from ice packs by Americans and given to Queen Victoria.

Finally, Mr Brown gave a first edition set of the seven-volume classic biography of Churchill by Sir Martin Gilbert.

And what did the Red Shed dwelling jackass give our English ally, the best friend we have on the international stage? He gave him the diplomatic equivalent of the one-finger salute:

Gordon Brown has been given a collection of 25 classic American films on DVD as his official gift from Barack Obama.

Calling Messiah Barry a sanctimonious, no class, ass is an insult to every pair of cheeks that ever perched on a port-a-potty to take care of business.

Perpetrated by: Hambo

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