Monday, December 24, 2007

Al-Qaeda in Iraq leader Calls for More Attacks on "Awakening Councils"

The leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq - Abu Omar al-Baghdadi - just issued a tape titled "Humble Towards the Believers, Powerful Towards the Disbelievers."

From the International Herald Tribune --

In the 47-minute audiotape, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi called on militants in Iraq to kill members of the Awakening Councils — mostly Sunnis who once fought against the U.S. but have since turned their guns on extremists — instead of slaughtering animals to mark the holiday.

"I call on you today to sacrifice ... the apostates of the awakening (councils) because they have became supporters for the cross and stood against the Mujahideen, violating the honor and looting the money," said al-Baghdadi.

"If that (slaughter) brings death and destruction for the animals, then carrying it out against the infidels and begrudged apostates is favorable to bring their blood as sacrifice," said al-Baghdadi.

Eid al-Adha commemorates the prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son for God. According to Muslim tradition, right before Abraham was about to slay his son, God sent the prophet two sheep instead for slaughter. More....

Al-Baghead has been a pain in the a** and causing problems in Iraq for some time now. Click here to read a transcript of a speech titled, “The Truth has Emerged And Deceit Has Vanished,” he gave on Dec. 29, 2006. Note how the transcript shows the speech comes from - "The Islamic State of Iraq."

But the question remains if al-Baghead really even exists! Intelligence reports indicate his speeches may be given by an actor and he may have actually been, Muharib Abdul Latif al-Jubouri, who was killed in 2006.

I have posted before on these Sunni based groups called - Awakening Councils. These councils have been created to help combat the violence in Sunni neighborhoods. Proof that these councils have been working are the increased attacks their facing from Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Tired of the violence from extremists and foriegn militants, many Shiite towns are forming their own "Awakening Councils."

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