Saturday, December 15, 2007

More on the Tussling Korean Generals

I found a little more info to add on my recent post about the battling Korean generals. As I posted before, the North & South Korean generals were taking part in implementing an agreement signed by the two Korean leaders.

Leading up to the incident animosity filled the room and digs were being thrown between the two groups. The hot topic was the two sides trying to agree to a joint fishing zone predicated on the Northern Limit Line

(NLL). The NLL was set in 1953 by the United Nations as a demarcation line between the two countries. North Korea has never recognized this maritime boundary in the Yellow Sea that was not included in the 1953 Armistice Agreement.

In my earlier post I linked to Voice of America calling it a scuffle, when in fact it turned out to be a one sided pushing match.....

From Chosunilbo --

Prior to a plenary session in the morning, North Korean officers attempted to explain their suggestion by displaying a map of their own creation on the screen in the front of the conference room, in the presence of South Korean reporters and TV crews. The North Korean map displayed their suggestion for the location of the joint fishing areas and a peace zone.

The South Korean delegation protested that turning on the projector in the presence of reporters violated the agreement that the talks should be held behind closed doors. In the process, a South Korean Navy lieutenant commander identified as Kim approached the projector to switch it off, when a North Korean officer pushed him hard in the chest twice. The North Korean delegates had brought a notebook computer, the projector and a screen to the talks. The scuffle did not escalate further.

No wonder we are stuck protecting South Korea - a general from their army gets shoved and told to site down by a North Korean general and the wuss does - Nothing!

I was being my normal smart ass self in my first post saying that we should have Danny Bonaduce negotiate for South Korea.

Shocking myself as I usually do - I turned out to be right -

the "South Korean Sissy's" DO need Danny Bonaduce!

Damn, it sure feels good to be the King!

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