Monday, December 24, 2007

Obama takes gloves off - "Edwards is a Hypocrite"

Oh yeah - I'm lovin' this!

Barack "The Rock" Obama, the democrat primary candidate with ears like dumbo, has taken off his gloves and is attacking pretty boy democrat candidate - John "The Breck Girl" Edwards.

By creating gale force winds with a flap of his ears, Obama is attempting to wisk away the smoke screen that has been shrouding the Edwards Campaign and their love for 527's.....

From USA Today --
Obama pointed to a nearly $800,000 advertising campaign being launched for Iowa voters by Alliance for a New America, a labor-affiliated group that is independent of the Edwards campaign but supportive of him.

"John said yesterday, he didn't believe in these 527s," Obama said. "You can't say yesterday, you don't believe in it and today three-quarters of a million dollars is being spent for you. You can't just talk the talk. Everybody talks change, but how did they act when it was not convenient, when it's hard?"

"I've got a track record," Obama said of restraining special interests. "I don't just talk the talk, I walk the walk." More....

Yeah OK Obama, you walk the walk - sure you do! But only if your wife or Oprah are holding the leash!


  1. My only correction would be that instead of calling Barack, "The Rock," I would change it to "The Crock."

    -GOP Prince

  2. Hello there GOP Prince!

    With your blessing "The Crock" is a name I will now add to my names for Barack.

    I call him "The Rock' not for because of the wrestler, but because I have always refered to idiot's as a "Rock." As in - "Smart as a rock."

  3. King,

    Makes sense.

    Merry Christmas!



Don't be scared!