Monday, August 13, 2007

Burning River Fest; Protecting Garbage & Trashing Free Speech

The following link was sent to me by Tim Ferris of, Put it on the Ballot.

Seeing that the movement to have the forced Cuyahoga County sales tax put on the ballot is gaining momentum, the opposition is resorting to strong arm and scare tactics.

A story by Jeff Buster of, RealNEO, tells how the communist pigs running the, Burning River Fest, on Whiskey Island this past weekend, have no problem protecting a trash can, but ignore our right to free speech and the right to circulate a petition.

Buster was at the Burning River Fest gathering signatures for Put it on the Ballot, when BRF officials began hassling him about where and how he could have the petition signed.

Buster also pointed out that there were reports that the oppostion to having the tax put on the ballot, had planes flying at Jacobs Field during the Indians game. Banners flying from the planes read, "Don't Sign Sales Tax Petition."

I was at the game yesterday and did not see these planes, but these tactics would not suprise me!


  1. I especially like the part about how they "have no problem protecting a trash can, but ignore our right to free speech and the right to circulate a petition." You made it onto BFD, I see.

  2. Thanks Tim.

    Protecting garbage over our rights seems to be the norm for Cuyahoga County & City of Cleveland officials.

    It is pretty sad, and telling, when a garbage can, of questionable ownership, is protected more than our rights.


  3. Maybe that goes back to Dimora's days as a garbageman?

    -GOP Prince

  4. yeah, but who elected these idiots?


Don't be scared!