Monday, February 2, 2009

SC Governor tells Congress - "Take Your Stimulus Funds and Shove 'em"

Here is something we do not see all that often - a politician standing on principle! Not just talking a good game - but actually taking a stand in the face of opposition. South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, a REPUBLICAN, has stated he will refuse the stimulus money.

In Gov. Sanford's State of the State speech he outlines measures that have been taken and can be taken to turn South Carolina around without accepting the stimulus funds.

If other Republican Governor's would stand up and join together with their fellow Republicans in DC maybe the stimulus package would not include every Democrat social program for the last 8 yrs.

But being the lone Governor in opposition, the Obamacrats in Congress, not standing for letting anything or anyone get in the way of President Pimp Daddy's hefty handout acted quickly by enlisting his enforcer in SC, Democrat and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn for some help....

From ALG

Perhaps one of the most straightforward ways to inflate the size and authority of the federal government is to diminish that of the states—the 10th Amendment notwithstanding.

As the $819 billion (Government) “stimulus” package marinates in Congress, a side campaign has been launched against the very states’ rights that were intended to keep an aggressive Federal Government at bay—and keep the Republic afloat. Now one particular individual is bearing the brunt of that assault.

Ever since the madness geared up last fall, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford R) has maintained a stalwart, no-nonsense opposition to the culture of bailouts and “stimulus” packages—particularly federal bailouts for states, especially the Governor’s own South Carolina. As he wrote in a Wall Street Journal piece last November:

“I find myself in a lonely position. While many states and local governments are lining up for a bailout from Congress, I went to Washington recently to oppose such bailouts. I may be the only governor to do so.”

This hostility towards state bailouts is starting to infuriate certain members of Congress—particularly those who see Big Government and inebriated federal money dispersal as the end all and be all to every societal woe imaginable. For many of them, states’ rights—such as Governor Sanford’s right to reject a state bailout—are mere nuisance.

One congressman is dealing with this nuisance by throwing down the Big Government gauntlet of One-Party authoritarian bullying.

Trampling on the bedrock principle of constitutional federalism, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) is using the powers of the Federal Government in Washington to circumvent Mr. Sanford’s authority as Governor—all in an effort to force federal stimulus funds on South Carolina. According to South Carolina’s “The State” newspaper:

“Just before the House passed President Obama’s $819 billion economic-stimulus bill Wednesday evening, Clyburn inserted an amendment empowering state legislative leaders to accept the special federal aid if the governor fails to act within 45 days of the measure’s enactment…

“Clyburn made it clear his provision was aimed squarely at Sanford.”

Mr. Clyburn’s actions constitute the proverbial “double-whammy”: Not only is one Representative—out of 435, of course—using the powers of Congress to revoke a state’s right to be fiscally accountable, but he is also exploiting those same powers to carry out a personal vendetta against an obvious political rival.

Opening the door to let the federal government step into any state and start dictating policies is a dangerous precedent. Unfortunately, a lot of dangerous precedents have been set in recent weeks.

The degree to which the current Democrat-controlled government in Washington has gone to further their Big Government agenda is appalling at best and unconstitutional at worst. Going far beyond the “enumerated powers” granted by Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, the politicians in the capitol have begun to drift into the dark and desolate waters of Big Government authoritarianism.

Hopefully Governor Sanford and others of his ilk can anchor the nation in the unshakeable rock of constitutional limited government. But right now, the Ship of State is foundering badly, with many a loose cannon on a badly rolling deck.

Could you just imagine if every Republican Governor refused to accept any stimulus funds based on the way pork-fest was structured?


  1. When your pockets are fat and the bill collectors aren't knocking at your door, it's easy to turn down help. Especially if minoritories will benefit from it. SC didn't help put Obama in office so now it wants to cut it's feet off to hurt the hands. Dumbmies!

  2. Al thanks for commenting. Oviously you see that I disagree with you.

    But I have a question... Obama's election was supposed to transcend race, he is to be the President of all the people - so with that - why would you think SC is refusing the money because of the blacks? I never knew that SC was an all black state. I guess Sanford must be your token white guy down there.

    Did you ever think the Governor is against the pork-filled stimulus bill because it is no good? There are billions of dollars in there that have no business in a stimulus or recovery package.

    Why does Nancy Pelosi need money to save a mouse? If rural areas already have internet service - why is money being paid to expand broadband. Why are community groups getting money? I can go on and on.

    Bottom line is the package sucks for ALL Americans. By the way - President Obamao is not black he is BI-RACIAL and is lucky his mother did not believe in abortion.

  3. Good for them. I only wish North Carolina had half the brains that South Carolina does....

  4. As an educator in S.C., I am concerned about our schools. Teachers care deeply about their students. The thought of bigger numbers in classes, less staff, fewer resources, are scary and sad. We are running out of paper at school. Of course because we care, we will buy our own. Does the Governor buy paper from his own money for the state's business? Does he ever think of picking up a pack of underwear as he shops for the kids who might have accidents at school? Would he be interested in hearing about the extra food teachers buy to help hungry children? Just a thought....I think if we must make cuts, let's cut funds from the top officials first.

  5. As a S.C. educator, I join many others in our concern for public schools. Teachers care very deeply for their students, and the thoughts of larger class size, loss of staff, fewer resources are scary and sad. Teachers will spend their own money for a multitude of things to help out students. In our rural school, we frequently buy extra notebook paper, book bags, fod, clothing, etc. for our students. We do it because it's needed and we love our kids. To hear that the Governor looks over us with a snub and says to basically "work it out amongst yourselves" is amazing. Our budgets have been cut unbelievably already this year, and more is expected. Perhaps the Governor would be willing to give up his salary, or the price of his beach house to help out?!? Sacrifice should be made at all levels in these difficult times. Don't look at the children of S.C. and say, do the best you can. They deserve better than that.


Don't be scared!