Saturday, September 22, 2007

Romney's secret Love for Rainbows

Moron Republican Presidential primary candidate Mitt Romney keeps telling people he is a conservative, BUT there is something about his love for rainbows that makes me question this.

"While running for governor in 2002, Romney and his running mate, Kerry Healey, distributed pink fliers at a 'Gay Pride' parade, declaring 'Mitt and Kerry wish you a great Pride weekend.' He backed domestic partner benefits for public employees, winning the endorsement of the national Log Cabin Republicans. In his inaugural speech, he promised to defend civil rights 'regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or race.'," Vennochi wrote.

As WND reported, Romney's claims he did everything possible "within the law" to throttle homosexual marriage after the Massachusetts Supreme Court issued an opinion saying denial of marriage to same-sex couples violated the state constitution have been refuted by several constitutional experts who say that just isn't so. More....
During his Governor campaign, Romney could have used- If you're a Fairy, vote for Mitt & Kerry!

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