In another heart-warming, sermon of acceptance from O'Dumbo preacher, Rev. "I hate Whitey" Wright, we hear him express his love for Italians...From CNSNews --
"(Jesus') enemies had their opinion about Him," Wright wrote in a eulogy of the late scholar Asa Hilliard in the November/December 2007 issue. "The Italians for the most part looked down their garlic noses at the Galileans."
Wright continued, "From the circumstances surrounding Jesus' birth (in a barn in a township that was under the Apartheid Roman government that said his daddy had to be in), up to and including the circumstances surrounding Jesus' death on a cross, a Roman cross, public lynching Italian style. ... More
First Rev. Wright needs a history lesson.... an Italian could become a Roman, but Romans were NOT Italian. I believe the Apostle Paul was also a Roman.
Being Italian, I should find this offensive right?
Should we "spaghetti benders" be subject to this hatred being spewed from the pulpit?
The Italians, as with most other European immigrants, were treated like dirt when arriving in this country. To this day, Italians are cast in stereotypical roles as gold chain wearing pizza-eating paisans, that are all in the mafia & eat garlic with breakfast.
Very rarely do you see us get our meatballs in an uproar over stuff like this. I actually think the - "looked down their garlic noses," is pretty creative. I have been called - Dago, Paisan, Wop, Guinea, Greaser, Grease Ball, and have been told that Italians are nothing more than an inside out N****r. Countless times I have been told I look like I came out of a Sopranos episode.
I must ask - where are the dysfunctional Democrats and korrectniks?
How come they are not rising up to protect us Dago's? Or are we garlic-eating "typical" Italians, looked upon as the same way O'Dumbo looks at "typical" white people?
NO, this just shows the hypocrisy in the Dumbocrat party, and years of bottle-fed cool-aid being forced on our country. Their putrid policies of acceptance are only cast on selective races and nationalities. This furthers their quest to change our "Right to Free Speech" into our "Right to Selective Free Speech" this is speech that they deem acceptable.
The testa di cazzo lefty bloggers and korrectnik's in this country will label you a racist for calling Obama - Hussien, O'Dumbo, Uncle Jemima, Buckwheat, etc... but feel saying the Crucifixion of Jesus is a public lynching Italian style is OK. (Note: Italians don't lynch. We break knee caps & kill with ice picks, etc...)
Need a good example - I have been banned from Plundercrap and called a racist for calling O'Dumbo names. On Buckeye State Barf I am called anti-Semitic by a person who was convicted of importuning in an Internet sex sting.
When I post on Ken "Black Eye" Blackwell - nothing! I have called this GOP embarrassment, who is black, all sorts of names and the reaction from lefty bloggers? NOTHING!
If they like the black guy and cast their entitlement- woven, affirmative action cloak around him - you are barred from saying anything negative or you are labeled a racist. If they do not like him, you are free to have a field day of name calling.
What does this show?
"Selective Free Speech," as dictated by the left and their MSM propaganda machine.
More to come...