The world's most notorious state exponent of anti-Semitism, the Islamic Republic of Iran, is on a path to uproot, not only all that are perceived as civilized, but to annihilate the greatest threat to its existence, the Iranian people. The mullahs and their mercenaries are wasting precious human life in order to maintain themselves in power through terrorizing the population.
The Iranian people are simply hopeless and helpless.
Even the UN does not come to their rescue. From its past performance, rather its absence of performance, we know that the UN watchdog is a true disgrace to dogs, since all it does is eat, sleep and look the other way. Furthermore, the dog has no teeth. The vet had to pull all its teeth before the dog became acceptable to the crafty cats that constitute the UN itself. More...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Domestic Genocide in Iran
Cleveland no longer "Poorest City"
Well the City of Cleveland and Cuy. Co. officials must be dancing in the streets. They can no longer be beat up for being the poorest city in the United States. Taking this title 2 years in a row - Cleveland is on the move up.
According to the latest rankings of the U.S. Census Bureau, Cleveland has made a HUGE jump from being the #1 Poorest City to the #4 Poorest City.
As our area officials always have the best interest of the residents first and foremost on their minds, getting this monkey off their back must have weighed heavy on their minds, right?
Yeah, right.... this is Cleveland/Cuyahoga County, so we should know better! Much like the care they showed by forcing a sales tax increase on us, Cleveland's "Missing Mayor," Frank Jackson states....
"It really doesn't mean anything," Jackson said. "We went from 1 to 12 to 1. Now we're 4. That doesn't really reflect our overall condition."Doesn't mean anything? Doesn't reflect our overall condition?
Where does this guy live? Told you he was the "Missing Mayor"!
Illegal Immigrants "Plucked" from S/W Ohio
U.S. Customs and Immigration agents raided a chicken processing plant, Koch Foods, in the town of Fairfield, OH. The agents detained 161 illegal immigrants working at the plant and will begin deportation proceedings immediately.
The crack down was a culmination of a 2yr investigation into hiring of illegal immigrants at Koch Foods. The raid was the largest yet in the Cincinnati area and one of the top 20 raids nationwide this year.
A Koch Food's spokesmen claims the recently let go 150 undocumented workers and alleges that federal authorities have refused to work with him on identifying illegal immigrants.
U.S. Custom & Immigration officials have described Koch Foods as an "egregious violator" and is known for the hiring of undocumented workers. Authorities have stated, charges will be brought against the company IF they find any evidence of fraud, falsification of documents or other crimes.
And like any good illegal immigrant raid, advocates for these illegals immigrants claim the raids are unfair. The advocates completely ignore the fact that it is "UNFAIR" these illegal immigrants are taking jobs that can be filled by unemployed Ohioans.
From the Enquirer --
.....some workers tried to hide in a subzero freezer and had to be rescued by ICE agents. He said a few were treated for hypothermia, but no one was seriously hurt.
When asked about the company's claims, Moskowitz cited the number of arrests at the plant Tuesday.
"We identified 180 people for questioning, and 161 turned out to be illegal," he said. "I think those numbers speak for themselves." More....
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Bathroom Love; Republican Style
Looking for a little, midwestern gay bathroom love, the Senator got caught in a sting being run by airport police amid complaints of lewd conduct in the mens room.
From Roll Call --
Sgt. Dave Karsnia entered the bathroom at noon that day and about 13 minutes after taking a seat in a stall, he stated he could see “an older white male with grey hair standing outside my stall.”
“I could see Craig look through the crack in the door from his position. Craig would look down at his hands, ‘fidget’ with his fingers, and then look through the crack into my stall again....
Craig then entered the stall next to Karsnia’s and placed his roller bag against the front of the stall door. “My experience has shown that individuals engaging in lewd conduct use their bags to block the view from the front of their stall,” Karsnia stated in his report.
“At 1216 hours, Craig tapped his right foot. I recognized this as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct. Craig tapped his toes several times and moves his foot closer to my foot.
The presence of others did not seem to deter Craig as he moved his right foot so that it touched the side of my left foot which was within my stall area,” the report states.
Craig then proceeded to swipe his hand under the stall divider several times, and Karsnia noted in his report that “I could ... see Craig had a gold ring on his ring finger as his hand was on my side of the stall divider.”
Karsnia then held his police identification down by the floor so that Craig could see it. “With my left hand near the floor, I pointed towards the exit. Craig responded, ‘No!’ I told Craig that he was under arrest, he had to go, and that I didn’t want to make a scene. Craig then left the restroom.” More....
The bathroom pervert Senator, gave the excuses of, it was a misunderstanding (of course), and here is the best.... he has a wide stance when he sits on the stall!
Craig who has voted against gay marriage and opposes hate crimes legislation that would extend special protections to gay and lesbian crime victims, will hopefull be forced by fellow Republicans to step down.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I am wiping the coffee off my computer screen as I type this post. As I was reading about this incident, having a mouthful of coffee was not a good idea!
An 86 year old man from Rhode Island is dead because a doctor performing emergency surgery operated on the WRONG side of his head!
More disturbing, astounding, incredible, etc... is that this is NOT the first time Dr. Frederick Harrington made this mistake.
A nurse practitioner for Dr. Frederick Harrington didn't record which side of the man's brain required surgery. When another nurse pointed out the missing information, Harrington allegedly relied on his memory without consulting a CT chart and began operating on the wrong side.
The hospital has suspended Harrington's surgical privileges, and he has agreed to stop performing surgery until an evaluation is complete. Harrington did not immediately return a call seeking comment.
The incident marked the third wrong-side surgery error in the hospital's neurosurgery unit in six years. Harrington also operated on the wrong side of a patient's head during a surgery at Roger Williams Medical Center in September. More....
Suspended his surgical privilege's? Has agreed to an evaluation? Well they don't have to wait, I will give them a long distance evaluation.
Fire the Moron! It sounds like this guy should not be allowed to even play the board game"Operation."
His medical license should have been revoked after the first time he operated on the WRONG side of someones head! It renders me speechless that the hospital would have even hired this directionally challenged butcher.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Mayor Sutherland - Not our Star!
Cuyahoga County Republican Party leaders are pushing Bay Village Mayor Deborah Sutherland to run for a larger office."As RPCC Finance Committee Chairman, I want to let you know about (CuyahogaCounty Republican Party Chairman) Rob Frost's desire to see Bay Village Mayor Deborah Sutherland run for higher office, and about my enthusiasm in supporting her in such anendeavor," writes Dick Pogue in a letter to party insiders
inviting them to a fund-raiser next month with Sutherland.....
Funny thing is Sutherland, re-elected in 2005, says she has no plans. "We are not talking about anything," she insisted in an interview. "It's just a fund-raiser."
"I would never run against Tim," Sutherland said, though she won't say if she will seek the seat if Hagan retires.
Well Mayor Sutherland should be pushed by the RPCC, but not for higher office. She should be pushed out of our party! She could take some of the "party insiders" with her too!
Reluctantly, I must take issue with Mr. Pogue speaking publicly on behalf of the party. I find it very disingenuous to state our party wishes her to run for higher office, when this is NOT the general consensus among the rank and file in our party. This is evident in the tabling of the poor RPCC platform she helped create.
If Mr. Pogue feels the need to publicly speak for our party he should have written a letter to the PD stating how many in our party also wanted us to take a stance against the forced sales tax increase.
The article points out Pogue mailed this letter to party insiders....
Here is a message for them - Get ready to get sent packing! The social club of "party insiders" will no longer be allowed to hijack our party. We will no longer support your pandering to the local democrats or democrat thinking candidates such as Sutherland, Akers, Patton, etc....
We will no longer tolerate GOP elected officials or party members such as, Roger Synenberg, to openly donate to democrats. The "party insiders" can take note - If you donate too or support a democrat candidate you will be made an example of.
The way of life as you now know it in the RPCC will change. The losing ways of your "social club" and the "take what crumbs the Cuy. Co. dems give us," is going to be sent packing.
The poor situation in Cuyahoga County is not all the fault of the democrats. Our party, under these insiders, has failed its' members and the general public of Cuyahoga County. As a party we have offered nothing of substance in over 20 yrs. We have allowed the local dems to run roughshod over our party and the voters of this county.
I will offer a bit of advice... the harder the insiders push to stop or resist this change, the more foolish they will be made to look. The harder they try to stop the change, the more THEY will divide the RPCC.
It would be in their & the RPCC's best interest for them to hop on their donkeys and slowly ride away!
Leaving Iraq Now a "Giant Step Backward"
Noting that Iran continues to increase its' role inciting sectarian violence and continuing to smuggle weapons into Iraq, an Army Commander stated, "leaving now would be a giant step backwards."
From Iran Focus --
A top Army commander in Iraq yesterday said Iran's Revolutionary Guard is trying to disrupt U.S. military gains by ramping up weapons and training support for radical Shi'ite groups.While the MSM fails to report any successes in Iraq, there are many. As time has went on, Iraqi civilians are stepping up more and more to help coalition forces against Al-Qaeda and other terrorists in Iraq. Some even sacrificing their own lives to protect our soldiers.
"We are up against a new wave of lethality sponsored by the enemies of the people of Iraq and its government," said Army Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, commander of a division in central Iraq.
He emphasized that withdrawing troops from Iraq would be a "giant step backward" — a day after Republican Sen. John W. Warner of Virginia recommended a basically symbolic pullout of some troops by Christmas. More....
Finally starting to realize our troops are there to help & protect them, Iraqi citizens are starting to bond with our troops and not recognize them as invaders or occupiers. Our troops, with the cooperation of the Iraqi's, are successfully rebuilding the infrastructure, medical facilities and schools.
While the Iraqi leadership may be questionable, the Iraqi citizens are starting to do their part. To pull out now, would be to abandon the very people we went to help!
Asst. Principal leaves her own baby in SUV to die
A 2 year old little girl was found dead locked inside a SUV yesterday. The little girl was left in the SUV for approx. 8 hours. The Clermont County Cornoner has said the cause of death was systemic hyperthermia, or heat-related causes.
With temperatures in the 90 - 95 degree range it is estimated temperatures in the vehicle easily reached over 100 degrees. It was reported that the heat caused the babies skin to blister.
When notified, the babies mother ran out and cradled the dead 2 yr old in her arms.
Everyone is probably thinking the women was a young girl, maybe in a bar, tanning, shopping with her friends, etc... and forgot the baby in the car, right? As I was reading the story, that's what I was thinking.
Nope, this lady was 40 yrs old. The lady, Brenda Nesselroad-Slaby, left the baby in her car, with the windows up, when she reported to work for a series of meetings.
Where did she work? She is an assistant principal at Glen Este Middle School, in Batavia, Ohio.
The Clermont County prosecutor stated it looks like an accident and a decision on if the women should be charged will be made when the police investigation is done. The superintendent of West Clermont School District, Gary Brooks, said "Nesselroad-Slaby is a kind and caring person who does a great job as assistant principal."
Is this a tragedy? Hell Yes! Is it an accident? Hell No! It is ignorance and negligence!
Should this women receive pity and special treatment because of her age and job? Hell NO!
I believe with her position as an educator and care taker of children, she should be held to a higher standard! I believe the school district should relieve her of all duties immediately and start the process for her termination.
Why termination? Would you want it to be your kid next time she "accidentally" uses poor judgement? If a person is able to "forget" their own child, allowing them to bake in a SUV, should they be entrusted with a school full of children?
As for the Clermont County Prosecutor Don White, well he's just an idiot! I wonder if he would think this was an accident if the person were a single mom, or a young mother or father.
Is there any difference between leaving your child locked in a car, on a 90 degree plus day, in a bar parking lot or your job parking lot?
Some may think I am being cold hearted about this. But this lady, by her negligence, effected the death of her child. Not a quick death, but a slow, painful blistering death to her own helpless child!
Well this is it people. Today the signatures to stop the forced sales tax increase for the ill-concieved Convention Center and Med Mart must be turned in at the Cuy. Co. BOE.
From the good repsonse I was getting from most people while circulating the petition, I am hoping everything turns out OK. But with signatures on petitions you can never have enough. One bad/illegal signature or inaccurate signature count on the petition has the ability to possibly have the whole petition thrown out. Quite confident the opposing communist forces will closely scrutinize and challenge any questionable signature, EVERYBODY needs to sign the petition.
Your last chance to put the sales tax issue on the ballot by signing a petition will be TODAY, August 25, 2007 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Come join the volunteers at the following drive-thru locations:
- Main Cleveland Post Office, 2400 Orange Avenue, Cleveland,44101
- Lakewood Post Office, 1475 Warren Road, Lakewood 44107
- Cleveland Heights Post Office, 3 Severance Circle, Cleveland Heights 44118
- Cuyahoga County Administration Building, 1219 Ontario Street, Cleveland 44113
Friday, August 24, 2007
Update: Indoctrinating our Children
Joseph Estabrook School & Lexington School Board, were named as defendants in a civil rights lawsuit filed by parent, David Parker. The school board also had Parker arrested when he voiced his opinion against their teaching at a public meeting.
Parker filed a lawsuit against the district for their official stance of teaching children that homosexuality is OK. Parker's lawsuit contends the district is violating state law and his civil rights by indoctrinating their children to approve homosexuality, which is against their beliefs as Christians.
In proceedings to have the lawsuit dismissed, school district official responded to the complaint stating; they have a "legitimate state interest" in teaching the homosexual lifestyle, and parents have no input into those decisions. Supporting this argument by filing amicus briefs with the court are; Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network; and Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.
In dismissing the lawsuit & telling parents they could take their kids elsewhere, U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf, seemed to have bought into this forced indoctrinating of our children using educational institutions by ruling...
"as it is difficult to change attitudes … after they have developed, it is reasonable for public schools to attempt to teach understanding and respect for gays and lesbians."
Wolf, however, concluded that Christians who attend public schools in Massachusetts need such teachings to be "engaged and productive citizens" and dismissed the families' civil rights claim.
Wolf said it is reasonable, indeed there is an obligation, for public schools to teach young children to accept and endorse homosexuality. The judge agreed that "the rights of religious freedom and parental control over the upbringing of children … would undermine teaching and learning…" More....
Feeling the judge over stepped judicial boundaries and the dismissal amounts to "court ordered segregation", Parker will be filing an appeal to have the case reinstated.
Can somebody please tell me again there is No Homosexual Agenda to indoctrinate our children with this poison!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Liberal Traitors & Conservative Wimps
Noting that Goldberg's book accurately describes liberals as, "loony, stupid and states liberals have abandoned the core principles of men such as FDR and JFK, while the Republicans have lost their courage," Emmanuel remarks that liberalism in our country is much more dangerous than Goldberg let's on and Goldberg's book lacked the courage to point this out.
Calling Goldberg a wimp for failing to take the liberals to task, Emmanuel states, "simply dismissing the liberals as "loony" or "stupid" is dangerous and juvenile...."
From WND --
Liberals aren't just "loony" or "stupid." These are all adjectives he uses to describe the principal players in mainstream liberalism. And neither is liberalism just "becoming increasingly irrelevant," as he asserts. I wish Goldberg were right about that. I wish liberalism were irrelevant – if that were true, we wouldn't have to worry so much about what 2008 might have in store.
But liberalism's problem is much more systemic then Goldberg lets on, and his book lacks the courage to state what his evidence uncovers.
Liberals are traitors – at least the self-conscious ones are. And it is not because they hate Bush or disagree with the Iraq war. Their treason stems from their behavior – from the way they go around telling everyone that they hate Bush and disagree with the war – even to the extent that they sympathize with and give material aid to the enemy. More....
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Court Rules "Being an Illegal Immigrant, not Illegal in U.S."
An illegal immigrant was arrested in Barton County, Kansas for possession of cocaine and endangering a child, for having his young son deliver drugs to a law enforcement officer working under cover.
The trial judge, on the prosecutors recommendation, agreed to accept a guilty plea in exchange for 1 year probation. Then finding since the defendant was an illegal immigrant and violated his probation status, the judge ordered him jailed for up to a year.
Here comes the backward thinking - on appeal, the Kansas Court of Appeals ruled....
"[Federal law] declares an alien's unsanctioned entry into the United States to be a crime. While Congress has criminalized illegal entry into this country, it has not made the continued presence of an illegal alien in the United States a crime unless the illegal alien has previously been deported and has again entered this country illegally," the court opinion said.
"However, while an illegal alien is subject to deportation, that person's ongoing presence in the United States is and of itself is not a crime unless that person had been previously deported and regained illegal entry into this country," the ruling, written by Judge Patrick McAnany, said.
This one makes my head hurt!
Let's see.... if you get caught entering the United States illegally you can get deported. But once you are in the country illegally, it is not illegal to be here as an illegal immigrant?
Incredible! Simply put, if you don't get caught illegally entering the United States, you can't be arrested as an illegal immigrant/alien! Unless your caught illegally entering the country & breaking the law, they can't charge you.
Huh, this would be a hell of a stance for murder suspects. Forget the facts, if you are not caught killing someone, you can't be charged with murder.
Barock on Iraq; We Can't Win!
You know, Barock Osama is like money in the bank for conservative bloggers. Stuck on what to post? Don't worry, Barack "The Rock", will show his stupidity again.
Like clockwork and true to his John Kerry like tendencies, speaking at the VFW convention in Kansas City, Barack AGAIN dismisses the hard work & progress of our soldiers in Iraq.
Obama said in a telephone briefing, "If we put 30,000 additional troops into Baghdad, it will quell some of the violence short term. I don't think there is any doubt about that."Also speaking at the event and offering a more realistic view on the War in Iraq, undeclared Republican primary hopeful, Fred Thompson stated....
But that won't solve Iraq's critical political problems, he said in the call and again later in a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
"All of our top military commanders recognize that there is no military solution in Iraq," Obama said.... "No military surge can succeed without political reconciliation and a surge of diplomacy in Iraq and the region. Iraq's leaders are not reconciling. They are not achieving political benchmarks. The only thing they seem to have agreed on is to take a vacation." More...
"the U.S. must rebuild its military to fight global terrorism because leaders "took a holiday" in the 1990s after the end of the Cold War."
"Some people in this country think if we can pull out of Iraq, our problems will be over," Thompson said. "You and I know better than that."
South Carolina Prisoners; Pretty in Pink
The poor prisoners (insert sarcasm) in South Carolina are having their rights violated.
Prisoners are upset that Prison Director for the Dept. of Corrections wants to help prisoners that engage in homosexual acts to get more in touch with their feminine side.....
South Carolina's prisons director on Tuesday defended a policy of punishing inmates who perform sex acts by dressing them in pink, despite a lawsuit claiming the rule subjects prisoners to ridicule.
State Corrections Department John Ozmint said the two-year-old punishment deters inmates and protects female officers. His agency has asked a federal judge to dismiss the lawsuit.
"We don't believe the United States Constitution protects an inmate's right to publicly gratify himself," Ozmint said. "We're hopeful federal courts won't look into our Constitution and create such a right." More....
Personally, I find it very considerate of Ozmint offering this service for the "sweeter" prisoners.
This concept may actually acts as a deterrent to keep other prisoners who would not want to wear pink from forcing themselves on a unwilling participant.
Still Barking Loud! Carnival #79
Jill at WLST was the Carnival Master this week and she did a hell of a job.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Barack Osama ; Bush is reason for poverty in Cuba
The democrat whiz kid on foriegn relations, blames President Bush for some of the ills in Cuba. Of course none of this would be the fault of communist dictator Fidel Castro!
Taking issue with the increased restrictions on Cuban exiles visiting and sending money back to relatives, Barack will be visiting Little Havana as part of a fund raising event for the local democrat party.
From Brietbart --
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is leaping into the long-running Cuba debate by calling for the U.S. to ease restrictions for Cuban-Americans who want to visit the island or send money home.
Obama's campaign said Monday that, if elected, the Illinois senator would lift restrictions imposed by the Bush administration and allow Cuban-Americans to visit their relatives more frequently, as well as ease limits on the amount of money they can send to their families.
"Senator Obama feels that the Bush administration has made a humanitarian and a strategic blunder," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in an e-mail. "His concern is that this has had a profoundly negative impact on the Cuban people, making them more dependent on the Castro regime, thus isolating them from the transformative message carried by Cuban-Americans." More....
Seeing through the cheap campaign stunt & commenting on his ignorance, some Cuban exile groups express in the Miami Herald their displeasure and, wonder why the black democrat presidential primary candidate does not say anything about the abuses of blacks in South Africa....
''We regret that Sen. Obama has been so ill-advised as to assume that lifting sanctions against Cuba's dictatorial regime will bring about change,'' read a statement issued by the non-partisan Cuban Liberty Council.
``It is sad that he does not apply the same principles used to bring about change in South Africa where blacks were victims of the same apartheid as Cubans on the island.'' More...
Union Settle HarASSment Suit
The unions have always been known to stick up or fight for the "working man," against big business and unfair work practices, etc....
More and more, unions appear to be on the side of business and are no longer sticking up for the working man! Actually, it appears they have turned to picking on workers.
After abandoning the Topp's workers, the unions decided to pick on 4 guys who crossed a picket line to support their families.....
The workers said they crossed the picket line to support their families. They said they were threatened with $620 fines and subjected to continued dues deductions after they quit the union and got harassed by union members using bullhorns outside their homes.
To settle a National Labor Relations Board complaint, Steelworkers Local 2L in Akron agreed to withdraw the disciplinary measures, erase records of the actions and post the local's commitment against harassing union-covered workers. More...
The local for the workers notes that the settlement does not admit any wrong doing!
They should be ashamed!
UM expected to announce exit from Orange Bowl
As one of the nation's most tradition-rich cathedrals of sport, Miami's Orange Bowl has provided a stage for more memorable moments than any venue in South Florida history.
Today, years after losing the Dolphins and the bowl game that bears its name to Dolphin Stadium, the Orange Bowl appears on the verge of watching its lone remaining marquee tenant, the University of Miami, flee north as well. More....
Iranian Weapons Smuggler Captured
From Iran Focus --
A statement by the Multi-National Force - Iraq (MNF-I) said the captured weapons facilitator was responsible for the "storage and distribution" of Iranian weapons.
"Coalition Forces intelligence suggests the weapons facilitator has traveled to and from Iran numerous times and is responsible for smuggling and distributing deadly explosively formed penetrators (EFPs). The target was also responsible for the distribution of those weapons to Special Groups operating throughout the Baghdad area and was connected to a very large network of weapons facilitators and Special Groups associates", the MNF-I said.
"The weapons smuggler is believed to have had ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps-Quds Force" More.....
This along with Iranian President Ahmadinejad implying he is at a war with the U. S., sometimes makes me feel we should drop a few bombs his way.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Cleveland Violates Own Mobile Traffic Camera Law
From the PD --
When Cleveland started using the cameras in 2005 to catch speeders, City Council required the director of public safety to notify the public by press release at least 30 days before a traffic camera was used.
Mike Besser of South Euclid said he presented a hearing officer at the Justice Center with the city's ordinance and a copy of an e-mail from the Law Department that stated the city never sent out a release for its use of mobile cameras.
Both of his speeding violations were dismissed Wednesday. More....
The fact that Cleveland raised almost $1.5 million in fines for illegal speeding tickets does not faze the administration one bit! Mayor Jackson's office feel the above ruling is no big deal and any previously tired cases cannot be challenged.
Being the same Mayor who crafted his budget on monies from Steelyard Commons that were to be given away as federal/state tax abatement's, this should not surprise anyone!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
RINO Mayors in Cuyahoga Co. Support Forced Tax Increase
- Mayor of Pepper Pike, Bruce Akers (Ring Leader #1)
- Mayor of Bay Village, Debbie Sutherland (Ring Leader #2)
- Mayor of Bentleyville, Michael Canty
- Mayor of Bratenahl, John Licastro
- Mayor of Brecksville, Jerry Hruby
- Mayor of Chagrin Falls, Tom Brick
- Mayor of Cuyahoga Heights, Ralph Contipelli
- Mayor of Hunting Valley, John Wheeler
- Mayor of Independence, Fred Ramos
- Mayor of Mayfield Heights, Gregory Costabile
- Mayor of North Royalton, Cathy Luks
- Mayor of Rocky River, Pamela Bobst
- Mayor of Solon, Kevin Patton
- Mayor of University Heights, Beryl Rothschild
By supporting the forced tax, these above RINO Mayors have sold out ALL the voters of Cuyahoga County. Sounds like a censure from the party members may be in order!
Below is a list of businesses that support this forced sales tax increase. As these below businesses feel they know what to do with YOUR money, maybe a boycott of spending our money in their establishment would be in order....- McCarthy's Ale House
- Nautica Entertainment Complex
- Nautica Charity Poker Festivals
- Nautica Queen
- Plain Dealer Pavilion
- Playhouse Square
- The Powerhouse
- Powerhouse Pub
- Primus Capital Funds
- Radisson Hotel Cleveland Gateway
- Recreational & Educational Turs, Inc.
- Renaissance Cleveland Hotel
- Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
- Shooters
- Staybridge Suites at Landerhaven
- Steris
- Windows on the River
- Within3
- Worthington Square
- Wyndham Cleveland at Playhouse Square
- John Q' Steakhouse
Please feel free to contact these places and let them know how you feel about their support of this forced sales tax!
Cuyahoga Co. Judge Eileen A. Gallagher - "Victimizing the Victims"
From the PD --
This guy, I believe, could have received a maximum prison term of 29 years, and only got 7.Sean Kay's Ford Expedition gouged the minivan Amanda Koczwara was driving last Dec. 28, then careened across the median into the interstate's southbound lanes, went airborne and landed atop Gerald Durczak's oncoming car. Durczak, 58, of Garfield Heights, died instantly. Koczwara and the two children riding in the van were uninjured.
Judge Eileen A. Gallagher imposed the sentence this morning, about a month after she convicted Kay, 20, of felonious assault and aggravated vehicular homicide. At that time, Gallagher dismissed a murder count that bears a prison sentence of 15 years to life. More....
Judge Eileen A. Gallagher, also threw out a rape case of a 9 year old girl because the prosecutor was late to her courtroom. In an interview with Bill O'Reilly of Fox News, Gallagher admits she COULD have handled the rape case differently, BUT the prosecutor could refile the case.
Again victimizing the victim! What the hell kind of thinking is this? Is this the type of judge we want protecting us?
Gallagher, one of the "Merry-Go-Round" of names commonly played with candidates by the democrats here in Cuyahoga County, will be up for reelection in 2008.
Originally a Democrat, Gallagher, relying on her name power, switched parties (GOP) to become a judge, and then, after the last time she was elected in 2002, switched back to the Dems.
To be honest voters of both parties would be better off without incompetent judges like this!
From the GOP Prince
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Carnival #78 - The Gateway to Ohio Politics
As usual, the posts are great!
We had a few really hot humid days this past week and while the weather has started to cool just a bit in some parts of Ohio, there is still some hot action on keyboards in Ohio. With that let's begin the Carnival of Ohio Politics number seventy-eight. More...
Sign a Med-Mart Referendum Petition today at Bedford's Party in the Park
Bedford Public Square is located in Downtown Bedford on Broadway Ave, south of the Automile.
If you have not signed a petition, please do so. Time is running out and we only have 9 days left.
Put in on the ballot
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Where's the Bud?
Barack Osama; The New John Kerry
Nope, it is none other than democrat Presidential candidate, Barack Obama in 2007!
From the Examiner --
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama came under fire Tuesday for saying that U.S. troops in Afghanistan are "just air-raiding villages and killing civilians." The junior senator from Illinois made the comment Monday at a campaign stop in Nashua, New Hampshire.
"We've got to get the job done there," he said of Afghanistan. "And that requires us to have enough troops so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous problems there." More....
Obama, like his mentor, Kerry, has criticized the troops more than once and claimed it was a slip of the tongue. Is this another slip of the tongue or his true feelings?
Further morphing into Kerry, with this perfectly executed Flip-Flop, 2 weeks ago Barack stated if elected President he would bomb Al-Qaeda in Pakistan without getting the countries approval.
Already emboldened by the chance of a democrat getting elected President, the terrorists must love this free propaganda offered by Barack Osama!
If It's Bad for America, It's Good for Democrats
Item by item- race, marriage, immigration, economy, War in Iraq, and the liberal MSM, Prager defines what is good for the democrats, is bad for the United States....
From Real Clear Politics --
One of the two major political parties of the United States has linked all its electoral hopes on domestic pathologies, economic downturns and foreign failure.
It is actually difficult to name any positive development for America that would benefit the Democratic Party's chances in a national election.
Name almost any subject, and this unhealthy pattern can be discerned. More...
Major Attacks Decline In Iraq
From USA Today
By Jim Michaels
The number of truck bombs and other large al-Qaeda-style attacks in Iraq have declined nearly 50% since the United States started increasing troop levels in Iraq about six months ago, according to the U.S. military command in Iraq. The high-profile attacks ... have dropped to about 70 in July from a high during the past year of about 130 in March, according to the Multi-National Force -- Iraq. Military officers say the decline reflects progress in damaging al-Qaeda's networks in Iraq. The military has launched offensives around Baghdad aimed at al-Qaeda sanctuaries and bases. ... Successes against al-Qaeda have also been helped by shifting Sunni public opinion and a growing number of insurgent defections, the military says. Some of the groups have provided intelligence on their former al-Qaeda allies, Lt. Col. Rick Welch, a staff officer who works with tribes, has said.
Pigs fall out of truck on way to fair - Tim & Jim?
From ONN -
Could this be Cuyahoga County Commisioners, Tim & Jim, the two Convention Center & MedMart tax pigs?MENTOR, Ohio - Several pigs on their way to the Lake County Fair Sunday fell out of the back of a trailer.
The pigs were on their way to be shown at the fair....
"I knew it was a serious call coming in, but I was thinking it was little pigs. These things go about 250 (Tim) to 300 pounds (Jim) a piece," Lt. Tim Trask said.
"I didn't realize the door was open and I heard a horn blowing. I pulled off to the side and there was two more pigs that got out," pig owner Ray Noonan said.
Their stall cleaner, Peter "I used to work at Lawson's" Jones, is on the way to see.....
Another Pro wrestler found dead
World Wrestling Entertainment has learned that Brian Adams, also known to our fans as Crush, has been found dead today.
Known for his formidable strength, the Hawaiian native made his first impact on the U.S. wrestling scene in the late 1980s with the NWA’s Pacific Northwest organization. More...
Teacher kidnaps 4th grader for sex
In this story, after learning Rice had been to their home to watch movies with the boy, had taken him on trips, and chatted often with him on the phone as well as Internet, the parents had warned the teacher to stay away from their 4th grade son.
In light of women teachers sleeping with male students is becoming more and more common, one would think the parents would have immediately notified the school & police when learning of these incidents.
From WND --
Jennifer Rice, 31, is said to have met the fourth-grade boy shortly after being hired last year as a replacement teacher at McKinley Elementary School.
Police documents indicate Rice took the boy with her when she left a party in his East Tacoma neighborhood around 3 a.m. Thursday. Authorities claim the two were headed for an amusement park in Idaho when they stopped at a rest area, napped and then had sex.
Officials say Rice admitted she raped the boy at the rest stop before driving him back, and court documents indicate the pair had intercourse several times on previous occasions, including once in the boy's home. More...
Monday, August 13, 2007
Burning River Fest; Protecting Garbage & Trashing Free Speech
Seeing that the movement to have the forced Cuyahoga County sales tax put on the ballot is gaining momentum, the opposition is resorting to strong arm and scare tactics.
A story by Jeff Buster of, RealNEO, tells how the communist pigs running the, Burning River Fest, on Whiskey Island this past weekend, have no problem protecting a trash can, but ignore our right to free speech and the right to circulate a petition.
Buster was at the Burning River Fest gathering signatures for Put it on the Ballot, when BRF officials began hassling him about where and how he could have the petition signed.
Buster also pointed out that there were reports that the oppostion to having the tax put on the ballot, had planes flying at Jacobs Field during the Indians game. Banners flying from the planes read, "Don't Sign Sales Tax Petition."
I was at the game yesterday and did not see these planes, but these tactics would not suprise me!
Tommy Who?
Thompson released a statement after the straw poll withdrawing his bid --
"I have no regrets about running," he said in a statement released Sunday evening by his campaign.
"I felt my record as Governor of Wisconsin and Secretary of Health and Human Services gave me the experience I needed to serve as president, but I respect the decision of the voters. I am leaving the campaign trail today, but I will not leave the challenges of improving health care and welfare in America."
"I have very much enjoyed my years in public service and I am comforted by the fact that I think I made a difference for people during that time," Thompson said in the campaign announcement. "I hope to continue working to serve others over the next few years." More....
Will Hillrod "Blackwell" rest of democrat ticket?
From Breitbart --
The dems must have taken note of the Ohio Governor's race when million vote loser, Ken Blackwell, an anchor candidate, dragged the rest of the GOP ticket.Looking past the presidential nomination fight, Democratic leaders quietly fret that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton at the top of their 2008 ticket could hurt candidates at the bottom.
They say the former first lady may be too polarizing for much of the country. She could jeopardize the party's standing with independent voters and give Republicans who otherwise might stay home on Election Day a reason to vote, they worry. More....
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sewer District pays hush money to attorney under FBI investigation
The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) will be paying $50,000 to an attorney, William Schatz, who retired in disgrace amid an FBI & Ohio Ethics Commission investigation into his work for the NEORSD, who represented them for the last 30 years with no contract.
Hush Money?
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Majority of U.S. public does not trust MSM
Much of this is caused because of the, pandering too and fear of backlash from, the various activist groups and their lobbies. Many times in reporting the truth is dismissed or twisted so as they do not portray a particular interest group in a bad light.
From Breitbart --
More than two-thirds of the Internet users said they felt that news organizations don't care about the people they report on; 59 percent said their reporting was inaccurate; and 64 percent they were politically biased.
More than half -- 53 percent -- of Internet users also faulted the news organizations for "failing to stand up for America".
Among those who get their news from newspapers and television, criticism of the news organizations was up to 20 percentage points lower than among Internet news audiences, More....
Friday, August 10, 2007
Sign a Med-Mart Referendum Petition today at Bedford's Art's & Jazz Festival
The work of 13 local artists will be on display from 2 to 9 p.m. Rock/jazz fusion band Rare Blend will perform from 7 to 9 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
- Where: Bedford Square / Downtown Bedford
- When: 2:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.
HillFlip now Flopping
Now, continuing to do the Clinton version of the "Kerry Flip-Flop, HillFlip is flopping her views on the use of nuclear weapons.....
Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton, who chastised rival Barack Obama for ruling out the use of nuclear weapons in the war on terror, did just that when asked about Iran a year ago.
"I have said publicly no option should be off the table, but I would certainly take nuclear weapons off the table," Clinton said. "This administration has been very willing to talk about using nuclear weapons in a way we haven't seen since the dawn of a nuclear age. I think that's a terrible mistake." More....
It's Official - Sheehan vs. Pelosi
A tearful Cindy Sheehan cited her son, killed in Iraq, as her inspiration as she announced her candidacy Thursday for the U.S. House against Rep. Nancy Pelosi.
Sheehan last month said she intended to run against Pelosi, the House speaker, if the San Francisco congresswoman didn't move to impeach President Bush by July 23.
Sheehan said Thursday that Pelosi had "protected the status quo" of the corporate elite and had lost touch with people in her district, More....
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Med Mart Saga continues....
The article also gives mention to the referendum started by Cleveland Councilman, Zach Reed, to repeal the forced 20 yr tax hike and allow voters to decide by describing these efforts as having an, "abundance of willpower but a lack of political and financial support."
Noting the time concerns if forced on the ballot, Miller remarks on the unlimited financial resources, the overwhelming support and behind the scenes work of Med Mart officials, county officials and Unions to squelch this effort. Pretty cool huh, the county will spend our money to convince us we need to be taxed more!
Being on the Central Committee of the Cuyahoga County Republican Party, I am very disrturbed by the follwing piece of the article....
Don't worry Zach, some of us republicans will not disappoint you or the memory of Ronald Reagan. There is only a small "select few" in our party that support this forced tax. This was sent to me from a "high up" in the party after the RPCC Platform meeting....GCP chairman Fred Nance said the group also reached out to Republican public officials to rein in county Republican Party chairman Rob Frost, who initially supported the petition drive.
Mr. Frost had spoken out in mid-June against the tax increase and had stood with Cleveland Councilman Zachary Reed, a Democrat, in calling for a referendum to block the tax. Mr. Frost said he and the party withdrew from the petition effort after county commissioners announced July 20 that they would end the tax hike after 20 years and would not divert some of the tax revenue to other purposes.
“Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave,” Mr. Reed said, alluding to the strong anti-tax increase stand of the Republican icon.
I was with several RPCC members tonight and over the last several days getting signatures. We will continue to be out circulating petitions every chance we can!I was disappointed that we did not take a formal stand against the Forced Tax Hike.
Really, if the Med Mart is so great, they could go to the Legislature, extend the Gateway bonds with a vote of the people, not raise taxes, and explain why the MedMart is supposed to save the world!
If anyone is interested in signing a petition, circulating a petition or anything to help, please go to Put It On The Ballot.
Iraq & Iran - New Best Buddies
While President Bush was questioned harshly about using "Presidential Patronage" when he claimed to see the soul of Putin through his eyes, there was an inherent benefit. Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, fawning over Iran is unacceptable.
Al-Maliki was also quoted by Iranian state media as praising Iran's "constructive" role in "fighting terrorism" in Iraq - a statement that Bush moved swiftly to publicly contradict.
"If the signal is that Iran is constructive, I will have to have a heart to heart with my friend the prime minister because I do not believe they are," Bush told a White House news conference.
Threatening that there won't be peace in Iraq until U.S. Forces leave, Ahmadinejad states....
Did that last statement sound like he feels Iran is at war with the United States? Sounds like it to me!"Iran and Iraq both have heavy responsibilities to bring about peace and security in the region.
"The situation in the region today, including Iraq, is very sensitive. Tehran considers the future of the region to be dependent on the victory in Iraq."
Holy Rollers LIE about SB16
The Bible thumping Holy Rollers at, Citizens for Community Values (CCV), the driving force behind SB 16, which would restrict distance between dancers and patrons, along with stopping all dancing at 12:00pm, are now lying to Ohio lawmakers about their proposed bill.
CCV who accused opposition group, Citizens for Community Standards (CCS), of deceit and misrepresentation, is now doing exactly that.
Barry Sheets, the organization's lobbyist, said states with "similar" laws are Alabama, Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.Truth be told.... only Tennessee is in line with proposed SB16.
States generally have obscenity and anti-prostitution laws, and many local governments enact adult-entertainment restrictions. But Pennsylvania and Georgia have little statewide strip-club regulation, after courts struck down laws in both states.
"In the absence of regulation, there is no restriction," said Nils Frederiksen, spokesman for the Pennsylvania attorney general's office.
In Georgia, residents amended the state constitution, handing strip-club oversight to counties and municipalities. More....
Is it not a sin to tell a lie? Could they not be considered a stumbling block?
Clark County GOP Chair & National YR President under investigation for being a "Peter Puffer"
It appears Glen Murphy Jr., Clark County Republican Party and newly elected president of the Young Republican National Federation, may have sucked himself into a homosexual scandal and criminal charges.

Sending out a letter last week, Murphy claimed that due to an unexpected business opportunity, he will be resigning from both positions. Murphy stated that this was a gut wrenching decision for him....
OK, here comes the WTF! Days after his letter was sent, the Clark County Sheriff's Dept. opened an investigation into Murphy for Sexual Deviate Conduct..... on a GUY!
In a
Clark County Sheriff report the victim alleges while he was sleeping, he awoke to find Murphy performing oral sex on him..... The News & Tribune reported that this is NOT the first time Murphy has been accused of trying to "honk the horn" of a sleeping buddy. In 1998, a 21-year-old male filed a similar report with Clarksville police claiming Murphy attempted to perform a sex act on him while he was sleeping.Murphy has not been charged in either case, but has used the same excuse for both events.... he thought, since there was no resistance from the SLEEPING victim, it was consensual. (BIG WTF!!!!!).
The pervert had his attorney release a statement denying the charges.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Med-Mart Referendum Rally - TODAY
***Press Conference***
When: TODAY!! Wednesday August 8, 2007 3:30 p.m.
Where: Steps of Cleveland City Hall
Why: Referendum gaining momentum. Call out for volunteers
Who: As many of us as able to get there and be there to show our support
Zack Reed is handling the particulars. Channel 8 and Channel 3 have said
they will be there .
Thanks! And hope to see you there. For those of you who have not picked up a petition to circulate or signed one the opportunity will be there. Sorry for the late notice but the press works on a tight time line.
Gloria Ferris
Put It On The Ballot Team