Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Chicken Has Roosted! - Rev."Pimp Daddy" Wright likes White Meat

Oh how damn funny is this! Rev. Wright is having an affair with a white women! A white married women!

From WND --

Dallas church worker Elizabeth Payne, 37, claims she had a sexual affair with Wright. When rumors of the relationship began to surface, Payne's husband left and she lost her job as a secretary to the Rev. Frederick Haynes III at Friendship-West Baptist Church, according to the New York Post.

"I was involved with Rev. Wright, and that's why I lost my job and why my husband divorced me," Payne said. More...

I just love this guy!

I am laughing too damn hard - sorry I can't type anymore!!!!!!


  1. hey king!

    i did my own story on this - originally had a "provocative" title and then wimped out with a less controversial one. I cracked up seeing your headline in the sob-feed (which was way better than even my first title). haha - still laughing ...

  2. JA - Thanks.

    I just stopped laughing!


Don't be scared!